erotic romances

Cover of Somebody's Lover by Jasmine Haynes, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author - The Jackson Brothers, Book I

Free Book Somebody’s Lover!

Somebody’s Lover, Jackson Brothers Book 1 is free right now! You can find it on all the major retailers. Kindle Kindle UK Nook Kobo iBookstore iBookstore AU iBookstore UK All Romance Smashwords Coffee Time Sony. And for a limited time, you can get Somebody’s Ex and Somebody’s Wife discounted at Coffee Time. Okay, enough business….

Cover of The Other Man

The Hottest Other Man!

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! Leave a comment and let me know how you celebrated! I went to my sister-in-law’s father’s 100th birthday party! Yes, Don Stinson was born on the 4th of July in 1913. Can you believe it! And he’s still going strong! My niece, Casey, made a wonderful…

Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe in Summer!

With summer weather here, it was time for a short jaunt to Tahoe! The hiking was fabulous. The hills are in bloom! Lake Tahoe from the Ridge Trail. Isn’t that water blue! A great day for a sail! And a great day for a swim! It wasn’t all fun and games. I worked on the…

happy driver

From Parts to Cobra!

My husband’s AC Roadster is finally ready! It’s been a long haul building this kit car, but it was well worth the wait. Besides he had tons of fun. The parts arrived on November 2, 2010. Here’s the Cobra in boxes! The engine and transmission will be purchased separately at a later date. The body…

Cover of La Petite Mort

La Petite Mort

Happy March! How the time keeps flying! Thanks so much to Em Petrova for being with us last week! This week Smashwords is celebrating “Read an Ebook” week with loads of ebooks on sale or even free. I’m participating by offering several books for free. So if you haven’t read them already, here’s your chance…

Cover of Somebody's Wife by Jasmine Haynes, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author - The Jackson Brothers, Book III

Somebody’s Wife

Happy President’s Day and Happy Valentines! I hope you’ve got the day off for the holiday! This week I’ve got the final chapter in The Jackson Brothers trilogy, Mitch and Connie’s story in Somebody’s Wife. Thanks once again to Rae Monet for the fabulous set of covers! I love them all. Just to remind you,…

Cover of Somebody's Ex by Jasmine Haynes, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author - The Jackson Brothers, Book II

Somebody’s Ex!

This weekend, All Romance is offering Somebody’s Lover, The Jacksons, Book 1, at a 50% discount ($1.49). So if you haven’t tried it and you’d like to, here’s a chance to get Somebody’s Lover at a discounted price! Sale is through Sunday, 2/10, 9:00 AM PST. Revenge Sex, West Coast Book 1 is still…

Cover of Somebody's Lover by Jasmine Haynes, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author - The Jackson Brothers, Book I

Somebody’s Lover

Business items first! I want to remind you the 69 Shades of Smut Blog is running a fabulous contest this month! Anyone anywhere is eligible, contest runs through Midnight PST on January 31, 2013, and the winner will be awarded a gift certificate for $200! And it’s easy! All you have to is Follow the…