The Hottest Other Man!

Cover of The Other Man

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! Leave a comment and let me know how you celebrated! I went to my sister-in-law’s father’s 100th birthday party! Yes, Don Stinson was born on the 4th of July in 1913. Can you believe it! And he’s still going strong! My niece, Casey, made a wonderful video for him, where we all gave him our congratulations and told about our favorite memory. And it was an immensely memorable day! Here’s to the next 100, Don! Happy Birthday!

I want to give you a sneak preview of my next West Coast book, The Other Man. I’m working on the story now, but I’ve already got a fabulous cover done by Rae Monet. I love, love, love this sexy, classy cover!

Cover of The Other Man

And here’s the blurb. Yes, I’ve got the cover and the blurb before I’ve even finished the book, long before!

For every hotwife and her husband, there’s always the other man.

And Spencer Benedict is the perfect other man.

Until he meets a woman for whom he wants to be the only man.

Zoe Hudson has a most unusual marriage: she plays while she’s away on business, and her husband is dying to hear all about her naughty activities when she returns home. It’s certainly an unconventional arrangement, but it works perfectly for them. Until she meets Spencer Benedict and a five-day liaison away from home turns into something more. Spence becomes her full-time other man and her husband wants to hear every detail. He might even want to watch and participate.

Can a hotwife satisfy both men in her life? Or will this other man spell disaster?

Look for The Other Man, West Coast, Book 4 coming Nov 5, 2013!

Just a reminder about the promotions going on right now! You can try Dead to the Max for free. It’s available on all the major sites. So grab your copy now! Amazon Nook iBookstore Kobo Smashwords All Romance.

I’ve also got my first audiobook out, She’s Gotta Be Mine! I hope you’ll pop over to to listen to an excerpt!

And lastly, Kinky Neighbors and Kinky Neighbors Two are on sale at for the month of July!


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