Free book from Randi Alexander!

Cover of Double Her Fantasy by Randi Alexander

I have a special guest for you this week, Randi Alexander. We both belong to the 69 Shades of Smut blog. So sit back and enjoy an excerpt of Double Her Fantasy. The fabulous cover sure looks like my fantasy!!! Don’t miss out on this chance to get the book for free on Amazon now through Saturday!

Free Book! Double Her Fantasy by Randi Alexander, and a Chance to Win a Sexy Nightshirt and Two Other Fun Prizes

Hi – I’m Randi Alexander, and I’ve got a couple fun things going on this week. My erotic menage romance is free at Amazon June 4 – 8. Published by The Wild Rose Press, it’s a hot and romantic story that I hope you’ll enjoy.

Drop by my website for multiple chances to win a cute nightshirt (sizes S – 3X) with my tagline printed on it, a big coffee mug, or a handy flask necklace. Click here to enter.

Cover of Double Her Fantasy by Randi Alexander

BOOK BLURB: At a comic book convention, artist Megan Shore is thrilled to meet action movie hunk Garret McGatlin. Usually reclusive, Megan flirts with the leading man of her sexual fantasies. He invites her to his suite for a drink, but when she arrives, his rancher brother Trey opens the door and unleashes Megan’s cowboy fantasy. Both men pour on the charm, and she can’t decide which of them she desires more.

The McGatlin brothers have shared women, but none of them were like Megan, irresistible and perfect for both of them. Working together, they execute a potent seduction. During a hot, amazing week, the three-way relationship becomes emotionally charged. When they’re thrown into the media spotlight, Megan fears the exposure will trigger a past threat. Garrett and Trey need to prove they can keep Megan safe as well as happy and satisfied in their arms.

Available at

EXCERPT: In his bedroom, Trey set Megan down next to the king size bed as Garret adjusted the lights to the perfect level for seduction. Trey’s gaze locked with hers. “You tell us if anything doesn’t feel right.”

She loved the way his concern for her took precedence over everything else. She nodded, torn between the excitement of doing something so indulgent, and the insecurity of never having participated in anything this naughty before.

Trey unbuttoned his suit coat.

Megan slid her hands up his chest, onto his shoulders, and eased the jacket down his arms.

With a groan, he tossed it aside. He stepped closer and slid an arm around her, finding her dress’ zipper and tugging it down her spine.

A rush of pleasure raced down her vertebrae right along with his fingers.

Megan unbuttoned his shirt with unsteady hands. This was really happening. She pulled in a slow breath and allowed herself to relax and enjoy. A fine forest of blond hair covered Trey’s upper chest, narrowing as it swirled down his stomach, disappearing beneath his belt buckle. “Mmm.” She ran her fingers through it as he plucked the straps of her dress from her shoulders.

With her arms at her sides, the dress fell to her hips, revealing her red satin strapless bra.

“Aw, darlin’.” Trey’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her breasts, his breathing sped. She felt the heat of his stare pebbling her nipples and raising goosebumps along her belly.

Behind her, Garret pressed his bare chest to her back. Glancing at him, she saw his shirt open, his pants still in place, but his feet bare.

“Why don’t we all get naked?” Garret murmured against her neck.

* * * * * * * *

I hope you like Double Her Fantasy, and good luck in the contest! Randi

“Rode Hard and Put Up Satisfied”

Randi Alexander's Avatar

Double Her Fantasy is free in digital format at Amazon

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