Naughty After Hours, Boxed Set Books 1-2

Cover for Naughty After Hours, Boxed Set Books 1 - 2

“Had me hooked from the very first page!” 5-star Review

“Simply delicious!”  5-star Review

Naughty After Hours Books 1 & 2, super-sexy office romance. Run a bath, pour in the bubbles, uncork the champagne, open the box of chocolates, and sit back to enjoy some spicy reading.


All-business Jessica Murphy has a bad case of the hots for her sexy boss, but CFO Clay Blackwell knows his gorgeous accounting manager is off limits. And yet, as their passion heats up, they’re about to break all the rules…


Ruby is a rule breaker, and her boss is just the man to make her toe the line. And Ruby discovers she likes following a man’s rules, especially when they’re Holt Montgomery’s rules. But can their naughty affair ever become something more lasting? Or will Ruby learn her lesson a little too late?

Take a trip on the wild side with Naughty After Hours, sexy later in life office romances.

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What Readers Are Saying:

Simply Delicious!!!

Hotwifing/cuckholding erotica is one of these themes that if heavy-handed, can easily become a caricature or a stereotype. The topic is certainly hot and not for everyone: men who get off watching their women sexually involved with other men with whom the women may have or not emotional ties. To some couples, this is the… Read more “Simply Delicious!!!”

Amazon Reviewer

Sooo hot!

All I can say is…wow. This book is H-O-T, I couldn’t put it down. I had to know what happened to Clay and his very different yet hot sex life. Does he stay together with his girlfriend or do they go their separate ways after the rules of engagement are broken and what happens when… Read more “Sooo hot!”

Amazon Reviewer

Best erotic romance I’ve read in LONG time!!!

Great story AND sizzling sex!Revenge Sex was not just about the sex — this is pure erotica at its best. A story, with characters you care about, rich characters you route for as well as groan at when they make stupid decisions and assumptions. Sexuality drives the story, but it’s an unapologetic romance at its… Read more “Best erotic romance I’ve read in LONG time!!!”

Amazon Reviewer

Very Good

Loved this book. Ruby and Clay are in a relationship, and Ruby screws up. I didn’t really like her, she seems to not really care about Clay. Jessica has fantasized about Clay for 3 years and when she finds out Ruby cheated on Clay? Will she get a chance to be with Clay? I liked… Read more “Very Good”

Amazon Reviewer

Sexy..Hot…A Love Story

I gave 5 fabulous stars because this was a great story. Ms Haynes is a great writer. This is my first book by her and it won’t be the last. What I enjoyed about this book was how the sexy lustful story became a love connection that Clay & Jessica had for three years but… Read more “Sexy..Hot…A Love Story”

Amazon Reviewer

Another great read

Enjoyed reading this book and reading about the characters and their story. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

Amazon Reviewer

Short, hot, interesting, JH knows how to write erotica.

The topic is hotwifing, I googled it, I still don’t know if its a real term and I am too shy to ask. Like swingers and swappers there are those that are turned on by being cuckolded. So much so, that it becomes an imperative to have the moment described and detailed which is even… Read more “Short, hot, interesting, JH knows how to write erotica.”

Amazon Reviewer

Exceptional erotica delivered with an unconventional romance

Man, is this book hot. It’s full of kink and taboo, so deliciously twisted, just one scene better and hotter than the next. This is exceptional erotica, in every way that counts. Very well-written, never really letting the reader draw a good, deep breath, this story just takes you under with its full-on eroticism, all… Read more “Exceptional erotica delivered with an unconventional romance”

Amazon Reviewer

Loooooooooveeeeeeeeeeeee it

This book is full of excitement, tension, and drama. Jasmine Haynes is by far the only person that can get me to read a book. I’m definitely continuing to read her books. 🙂

Apple Books Reviewer

Sometimes sex isn’t what it seems

Clay’s live-in lover is allowed/expected to have sex with others. There are three rules for her to observe while having sex with other men: no sex with men from work, no sex with other men in her own home, and she has to tell Clay when she dates. In fact she is expected to tell… Read more “Sometimes sex isn’t what it seems”

Amazon Reviewer

Different exciting and fun to read.

Well it takes a self centered “witch” to be the inspiration to a lowlife affair .She wants hurtful sex and doesn’t want to move on. So when she’d caught and found guilty she tries to lie her way out.But luckily the story doesn’t only have one lady in it but two and the gentle one… Read more “Different exciting and fun to read.”

Amazon Reviewer


© 2011 Jasmine Haynes


Clay rubbed the back of his neck, then rolled his head to get the kinks out. Christ, it had been a long board meeting. They usually continued past lunch, but today’s meeting had gone on until four. Their computer system was outdated, and several board members were in favor of doing a public offering to finance an enterprise system and some other capital improvements, including upgrading the cleanroom. Both he and Holt had argued that a public offering in the current economic climate was suicide. They’d end up devaluing the stock. The markets were too volatile to predict.

“Did they have any questions on the financials?” Jessica stood in his door. She was good at her job, intelligent, with excellent problem-solving skills. He admired her dedication and work ethic. He was in favor of making her the next controller, but Holt was leaning toward Greg Stevens. Jessica, while having the expertise, was sometimes too involved in the details and had problems delegating. As controller, she’d have to let her people handle the specifics. Greg, on the other hand, had no problem offloading. While Clay valued Holt’s opinion—they’d worked together at West Coast for ten years, plus another five at a previous company—he would do his own choosing.

“A couple of things,” he said to Jessica. “Come on in. Close the door.” She had a right to hear his reservations about the promotion.

She took the seat opposite, opening her folder with the financials in it, fiddling with the papers a moment. Jessica Murphy was a pretty woman, with intense blue eyes and blond hair that fell in curls past her shoulders. She lacked Ruby’s curves and natural seduction, her skirts were longer, her blouses less form-fitting, her makeup understated, but there was something fresh about her, girl-next-door, that was in many ways just as appealing, if not more so.

His relationship with Ruby precluded other women. She played, he didn’t. That’s how he liked it: no jealousy on her part, no bitch fights, just hot sex, and his life on an even keel.

That didn’t stop him from appreciating Jessica as an extremely attractive woman. He didn’t, however, allow himself sexual thoughts about her. If they managed to steal beneath his defenses, he ruthlessly shut them down. She worked for him, and he’d never compromise one of his employees, nor would his assessment of her physical attributes affect his decision about the controllership.

Jessica sat ready, her pen poised.

“Henckel wants more on the antiglare reserve,” he told her. They’d developed a film that eliminated monitor glare, but there’d been issues with scratches. Until that was resolved, they had a reserve against returns. The junior board member, Henckel, always wanted to know more. It made him feel important. “Email him the spreadsheet calculation.”

“Sure.” Jessica jotted a note. She made a few more tick marks on her pad as he ran down a couple of other to-dos. When she wasn’t writing, she clicked her pen. She didn’t meet his eye, and he could hear the soft tap of her heel on the carpet as she jiggled her knee.

Maybe the closed door made her nervous. She probably suspected he wanted to talk about the controller position.

“Is that it?” she asked, then pursed her lips as if she regretted the question.

“As far as the financials, yes.”

She jumped to her feet before he had a chance to bring up his issues about the job. She paced two steps to the door, then turned abruptly and came back to the edge of the desk. He’d never seen her like this. She wasn’t a jumpy person. Something had been bothering her yesterday; today it was worse.


She puffed out a sharp breath. “I don’t know exactly how to bring this up, so I’m just going to say it.” She inhaled as if she needed the extra air. “I saw Ruby having sex with Bradley on your desk two nights ago.”

He opened his mouth, shut it again. His chest was suddenly tight, and his only thought was that she must have been mistaken. “That’s not possible.”

Ruby liked to flirt with his rules, but there were two he was sure she would never break. First, she was never to date anyone from work, and second, no sex at the office. Those circumstances could be compromising, especially since they were both employed at West Coast. It was a small company, prone to gossip, and their sex life was private and separate. She would not have sex at the office, not in his office, and certainly not with Bradley Palmer.

“Open the bottom drawer.” Jessica pointed to the left-hand side of his desk.

He slid it open, saw nothing.

“Check at the back,” she said.

He bent slightly to see. Something purple. Lacy. Miniscule. He pulled out the thong Ruby had worn on Wednesday. The thong she said she’d left behind in a hotel room as a memento. Knowing she was going on a date, he’d watched her dress that morning.

Maybe she’d put it there Thursday morning for him to find later, so they could do a little reliving. But then he remembered the photo of his sons. Thursday morning he’d found it knocked over, by the cleaning staff, he’d assumed. Now, there was another possibility. His blood pumped faster.

“She told me that you know about the things she does,” Jessica went on as if he’d been silent way too long. “And that you’re okay with it all. But I wasn’t sure...” She trailed off uncertainly.

Goddammit. There was no doubt now, and he was pissed Ruby had put him in this position. “Sit down.” He indicated the chair Jessica had just vacated.

She sat, perched primly on the edge, her knees jiggling again. “I know it’s not my business, but if you don’t know about it, I just couldn’t stand by,” she prattled on.

He held up the panties. “And these?”

She rolled her lips between her teeth and chewed on them a moment. “She left them behind, and I put them there as evidence.”

Jesus. How could Ruby be so stupid as to flaunt their unconventional sex life?

How could she fuck Bradley Palmer? Her bad taste was the worst crime of all.

“I realize it must have been a shock,” he said, obviously understating. “I’m sorry you were caught in the middle. But Ruby is right, I do know.” He wasn’t defending; he simply refused to lie about it.

Except that Ruby wasn’t supposed to pull this kind of crap at work. She wasn’t supposed to do it at home either. He didn’t want one or both of his sons walking in. Sure, they were in high school—he had them two weekends every month—but they didn’t need to know about anything he and Ruby did.

All Ruby had needed to do was show a little discretion.

“Oh,” Jessica said. Emotions flitted across her face. Confusion, consternation, then condemnation.

He didn’t know why he let that look bother him. He’d always known how other people would react to his kinky desires. He was divorced because of it. In heated moments, he and his ex-wife had occasionally fantasized about her being with other men, but when he finally said he’d like to do it for real, she’d frozen him out.

With that very look Jessica wore now.

Goddamn Ruby for doing this.

Jessica stood, hugging her folder to her chest. “I don’t understand,” she said, bewildered like a child faced with her first dead goldfish. “Don’t you feel cheated?”

He couldn’t say that love had never entered into it with Ruby; that was between Ruby and him. “I’m not wired like most men.” Yet he knew it would explain nothing. Jessica couldn’t understand. His ex-wife had never understood his needs. In the end, she left because of them.

Jessica seemed to gulp down air. “How can you let her do that to you?”

He rose to look down on her. Her gaze was stricken. He realized she’d allowed this to torment her for two days. On his behalf. “She didn’t do it to me. She didn’t hurt me. It’s the way I like it.”

She dropped the folder to her side and stared at him as if he weren’t the man she’d worked for—and hopefully admired—for the past three years. He actually felt diminished.

Jessica finally looked away. “She said it turns you on.”

“It does,” he admitted. He owed her the truth after what Ruby had put her through.

“She said”—she licked her lips—“that you love to have sex with her afterwards.”

Her mouth glistened. Her eyes were a deep blue, the pupils wide. A blush colored her cheeks. She was breathing faster, a pulse fluttering at her throat. And beneath the blouse, her nipples were hard peaks.

Looking at her, he was inexplicably hard. It wasn’t about Ruby; it was suddenly about Jessica, the intimate conversation, his earlier thoughts about her appeal. “I do.”

“Did you have sex with her when she came home on Wednesday?” she asked softly.

The conversation was heated, the office walls closer, the desk between them barely any separation at all. He watched the rise and fall of her breasts. Like a wild dog, he scented her, too, the faint aroma of arousal and emotion.

“Was it good?” She spoke with barely a sound, but he read the words on her lips.

He could feel the sex from that night, and heat suddenly burned all the way to his gut. “Yes, it was.”

But for a moment, the woman’s face he saw in his mind, the feel of smooth female flesh beneath his fingers, the warmth engulfing him, was no longer Ruby.

It was Jessica.

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More in the series…

  • Revenge (Naughty After Hours, Book 1)
  • Submitting to the Boss (Naughty After Hours, Book 2)
  • The Boss’s Daughter (Naughty After Hours, Book 3)
  • The Only One for Her (Naughty After Hours, Book 4)
  • Pleasing Mr. Sutton (Naughty After Hours, Book 5)
  • Any Way She Wants It (Naughty After Hours, Book 6)
  • More Than a Night (Naughty After Hours, Book 7)
  • A Very Naughty Christmas (Naughty After Hours, Book 8)
  • Show Me How to Leave You (Naughty After Hours, Book 9)
  • Show Me How to Love You (Naughty After Hours, Book 10)
  • Show Me How to Tempt You (Naughty After Hours, Book 11)
  • Naughty After Hours, Boxed Set Books 1-2
  • Naughty After Hours, Boxed Set Books 3-5
  • Naughty After Hours, Boxed Set Books 6-8
  • Naughty After Hours, Boxed Set Books 9-11