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Real life type people who have extraordinary erotic encounters.

Jasmine Haynes writes erotic romance about ordinary, real-life type people who have extraordinary erotic encounters. She balances a great, unique story with equally great and unique erotic scenes. In this contemporary tale Trinity Green (sweet name) has a problem with perfection and it’s cramping her style big time. On the other end of the romantic…

Sexy contemporary romance!

Catching her husband of only six months in the midst of cheating on her strikes a huge blow to Trinity Green’s self-esteem, forcing her to re-examine the way she has lived her life until now. While his infidelity is initially devastating, it serves as the push she needs to start really living instead of denying…

Really Enjoyable Story

Poor little rich girl – but is that all there is – not by a long shot. And, then there’s the wierdest beginning to a hot romance that I’ve ever read. Our author has trully worked up a dilly. It’s got a storyline, it’s got characters, and it is certainly hot. What else would you…

Another great book!

Trinity Green was everything everyone else wanted her to be. Tall, thin, blonde, the perfect prim and proper wife. The day she walked in on her husband and his lover in their shower was the day Trinity would throw caution to the wind and get what SHE desired. She craved hot steamy passion, and she…