Mystery of Love

The title says it all!

I loved this book! Like the characters in all of Jennifer Skully’s books, these are quirky, loveable and sincere in their motivation.Opal, the blacksheep non-psychic in a family reknown for their paranormal abilities, believes (at long last!) she’s had a vision. In her excitement, she causes a three-car pile up on the highway, where her…


I loved this book! It was so cute…. It was funny, quirky, very sexy and romantic!! The characters were very interesting and Grandmother Blue was a hoot. Jack and Opal were the perfect match……. right from the first moment we met them they leaped off the page at you. Their characters were vivid and endearing……..


Opal Smith comes from a long line of bona fide psychics. Other than her Grandma Blue, Opal is the only member of the family without any psychic talent what-so-ever. Opal’s brother is the golden child of the family. He is known world-wide, like his father before him. He even has his own television show. Opal’s…


This had an intriguing storyline which I loved and enjoyed tremendously…….. Lili was such a very endearing person and the book was so well written … It really emphasized some profound philosophies. As a professional medium I had to go through some of the same fears and doubts as she did and I appreciated the…

An enjoyable book

I found this book to be a quick, enjoyable read. I liked the main character, Lili, a lot. She’s a free-spirited, easy-going person who just happens to be psychic and able to understand what animals show her (they don’t speak words, but she can view scenes from their perspective). I didn’t like Tanner quite as…


Easy to follow stand-alone. No editing errors, graphic violence or drag-you-down drama.Fast-paced storyline with descriptive writing that draws the reader into each scene. Surprise ending. Realistic view of animal and human communication. Believable characters with distinct personalities. Thought-provoking and memorable dialogue. “But if a person doesn’t get ahead, does that necessarily mean one is actually…

A Really Fun Read

I get a kick out of reviews that offer a less than stellar opinion on a story. For one thing I believe that some people are expecting a Nobel prize winning novel and will be disappointed with anything less. This story was exactly what it was intended to be. A well written, well scripted, well…


This is a clever book with wonderfully fun characters. They are not the typical kinds of characters found in books of this genre. Yet it showed that deep down we are all the same despite our different appearances.