Please welcome Nalini Singh!

cover of Yours for the Night

Congratulations to Linda Henderson! You are the winner of Annie Solomon’s Dead Ringer. I’ll be sending you an e-mail for your snail mail address.

Quickly, Yours for the Night is out tomorrow! Enter Courtesans: A glitzy, sensual world of powerful people and the courtesans they’ll pay anything to have. It received an RT Top Pick! Whoohoo! Be sure to check out the excerpt at Also, I’m doing a blog tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov 3rd, at where I’ll be holding a drawing for a copy of Fair Game, my previous release.

I’ve got a special treat for you for this blog. Nalini Singh is joining me for the day. I adore Nalini’s books. She is the absolute best! So if you haven’t tried her, get out there and buy this book!!!! If you have read her, well, say no more, you already know what I’m talking about! Nalini has generously offered to give away a signed copy of one of her books (go to the end of this blog to find out which one!). To be entered in the drawing, leave a comment answering Nalini’s question. Now you have to comment within 24 hours (that means today, Monday, Nov 2nd until this same bat time, same bat channel Tuesday morning). And please, leave your e-mail address so we can contact you.

So without further ado, here she is!


Out 3 November 2009

Cover of Blaze of Memory

Nalini Singh returns to the Psy/Changeling world and its “breathtaking blend of passion, adventure, and the paranormal” as a woman without a past becomes the pawn of a man who controls her future…

Dev Santos discovers her unconscious and battered, with no memory of who she is. All she knows is that she’s dangerous. Charged with protecting his people’s most vulnerable secrets, Dev is duty-bound to eliminate all threats. It’s a task he’s never hesitated to complete…until he finds himself drawn to a woman who might yet prove the enemy’s most insidious weapon.

Stripped of her memories by a shadowy oppressor, and programmed to carry out cold-blooded murder, Katya Haas is fighting desperately for her sanity itself. Her only hope is Dev. But how can she expect to gain the trust of a man who could very well be her next target? For in this game, one must die…



“…When it comes to delivering stories that grab you by the throat and don’t let go, Singh is in a class by herself!” – Romantic Times

“…BLAZE OF MEMORY had me in tears with the tenderness that Dev and Katya exposed in each other. This story adds immensely to the series…You will want to revisit this love story again and again.” – Romance Junkies


Leave a comment with your answer to the question below in the next 24 hours to go into the draw to win a signed copy of Branded By Fire, the previous book in the series. (Or if you prefer, you can choose a mass market copy of the An Enchanted Season anthology).

Excerpt: (warning, excerpt may singe your eyebrows off).

Contest Question: Who is your absolute favorite romantic hero?


  1. Hi, Jasmine and Nalini! Jasmine, congratulations on Yours for the Night! It's such a gorgeous cover–can't wait to enjoy the insides, too!

    And Nalini, I'm embarrassed to admit that while I have several of your Psy/Changelings on my TBR, I haven't started the series yet. Is your series open-ended, or do you have an "end" in mind/sight? I've heard such happy raves about these from friends who read, so I definitely need to get reading!

    As for my absolute favorite romantic hero? Probably the one I'm currently reading 😉 At the moment, I've got The Princess Bride on my mind, so Westley, aka the Man in Black. Relentless in his pursuit 🙂

    Happy Monday!


  2. Welcome, Nalini! Good luck with the new book!

    As to my favorite romantic hero, I'm a sucker for an underdog, which is why I like Cullan from the Ilona Andrews books. 😀


  3. Hi Nalini, I had never read any of your Psy/Changelings books until Ellen kept telling me that I had to try them. As always she was right! I love the books. I got to read the arc of Blaze of Memory and loved it. I also read your story in Hellhounds and now want to read the others in that series.

    As to my favorite romantic hero? I have some of them, But I have to say I really loved your Judd. There was just something about that man that I was drawn to. I was so glad that we got to see him, even if it was only a little, in BOM.

    Hi Scully!!

  4. Thanks for joining us Nalini! And this is a good question you ask us. So for me I'd say it's definitely Mr. Darcy. It was hard for him to express his emotions verbally, but by his actions he was truly romantic.

  5. Two things: (1) Congrats to Linda for her big win! I'm happy for you, Linda! Enjoy! (2) Your contest, noted below.Absolute? Can't say for sure; so many qualify! ("So many men, so little time" is my motto!) What I CAN say is that the FIRST person who came to my mind was freaky. Really. You'd think I'd come up with "George Clooney" since his picture is on my desk (sigh) and I love listening to/looking at him, or even a hero from one of my thousands of books. HOWEVER, the very first person I thought of was Robert Wagner in HART TO HART (as Jonathan Hart). Can you believe I went way back to that one (and not even a book)? Holy mackerel! The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized I DID enjoy him in that role (and still think he's not hard on the eyes or ears). The love that he and his wife, Jennifer (Stefanie Powers), exuded was dynamite. No wonder lots of people wondered if they were married to each other (but they are just friends)!

  6. thanks everyone for stopping by and offering up your heroes! You've mentioned some great ones!

    Jamie in Outlander is wonderful, Audra. I really have to read that book again!

    Fedora, I've just added The Princess Bride to my Netflix queue again!

    Kara, I'll have to try the Ilona Andrews books!

    Debra, thanks so much for coming. Ellen is great at turning us on to new books! Ooh, yes,

    Joder, love Mr. Darcy in all his incarnations. Though I think movie-wise, Colin Firth is my fav.

    Hey, Mel, great to see you! Love Gary Cooper, but I haven't seen Saratoga Trunk. Another movie to add to my list. Wonder if it's on Netflix!

  7. Hi Jasmie and Nalini,Like Audra my favorite romance hero (even though some don't consider the books romance) is and probably always will be Jamie Fraser from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. I don't think anyone will ever be able to fill his shoes.I haven't read any of Nalini's books yet, but have heard lots of great things about her psy/changling series.Congrats to you both on your new books!

  8. My favorite romantic hero from books is Roark from the In Death series by J.D.Robb. What an Irish hunk. My favorite hero from movies has got to be John Wayne. I know, I'm showing my age here. He was always very heroic though in his movies and in his fight with cancer.

  9. Hi Nalini, I will have to say I have never read one of your books but they look awesome! My favorite hero right now is Castle, love the show! As far as books go the rake Rhette Butler has always been my hero.

  10. I don't have just one hero, my list includes Rhett Butler, Vincent from
    the CBS show Beauty & the Beast, and
    Anna Campbell's heroes, the Duke of
    Kylemore and the Earl of Erith.

    Pat Cochran

  11. Thanks for the welcome to the blog everyone. I'm loving all these great heroes!

    Fedora – I see the series as having a dual story arc. The first arc will have an end, but it'll still leave possibilities to be explored – perhaps aspects of the world we don't get to see in the storyline running right now.

  12. Hi, Nalini!!

    Wow, that's a lot of votes for Roark in JD Robb's series. And I totally have to agree.

    Sue, I have to agree on Laura Kinsale. I love all her heroes!

    Oh, Pat, you'll laugh, because I just rented Beauty and the Beast from Netflix! My husband left on a trip this morning, and I'm going to indulge in watching the whole series all over again!

    Linda, you're not showing your age, but your good taste. John Wayne was always very heroic in my mind, on and off screen. I always cry when I watch the Shootist because he was very ill at the time, and I think you see so much of the real John Wayne come through in that movie, too.

  13. Who is my favorite romance hero? Well it would have to be Wrath from JR Ward's Dark Lover. the first book. He is so dark but would give you the shirt off his back. Also he would do anything for the woman he loves.

  14. Wooo hoo HELLO Nalini! :)My favorite hero may have to be Roarke…Gotta laugh, I think everyone likes him! He's a hottie.I'm super excited to check out the next story in the series. These characters seem exciting and I'm looking forward to their story.

  15. I've got a message from our very own wonderful bookseller here at my local Borders, Ellen!

    Hi Ladies,

    Hmm, many of my favorites have been mentioned already—Rhett Butler, Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth), Roarke, Judd. I’ll just mention a few because I could go on & on: Loretta Chase’s Lord Dain, Sarah McCarty’s Asa, J.R. Ward’s Zsadist, and Nalini’s Raphael (scary hot). And no need to enter me in the contest; I have all of Nalini’s books already (although I still have to hunt down the Desires or borrow them from Catherine M!

  16. Hey Nalini, there are so many heros that I fell in love with, but I have to say that Vaughn, from your book, Visions of Heat really made me melt. I started the series by reading Vaughn's book first then Lucus', but after reading the two of them I was a big pile of goo.

  17. Absolute favourite hero? Only one?

    Well, I love Eidolon from Larissa Ione's Demonica series – he is a doctor and a demon!

    And from Nalini's series, well Judd gets my vote everytime . . a gorgeous, cool Psy. Although I also have my eye on Hawke . . yes, maths was never my strong suit!

  18. Hmm…it's hard to pick just one! Some of my favorites are:
    Lucas from Slave to Sensation
    Kenny from Out of Control (Brockmann)
    Jack from Smooth Talking Stranger (Kleypas)

    Congrats on the new release! It looks awesome…I'll be picking up a copy asap:)

  19. Good luck on the release Nalini!My all time favorite romantic hero would be Mr. Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I also love Raphael in Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels' Series.Sue

  20. Hi Nalini! I've recently started reading your series – I'm on the third book and enjoying them very much!

    My favorite book hero? Of course Mr. Darcy or Jamie Fraser, but I also love Barrons from Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. He's such a bad boy but I just know deep down he's honorable.

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