Do You Want to Know What Happens After Dark?

Cover of What Happens After Dark by Jasmine Haynes

Another Sale!

I’ll make this newsletter a quick blast, promise! I applied for a Bookbub Featured Deal and I got it! Have you heard of Bookbub? You probably have, but for those who don’t, it’s a newsletter you receive with a curated list of books that are free or on sale. I get tons of great books that way, try new authors, get favorites for a really good sale price. If you haven’t joined, you can sign up on Bookbub. It’s hard to be selected for a Bookbub Featured Deal so I’m pleased to announce that What Happens After Dark has been chosen for a .99 deal and the ad is running on May 16. But you can grab your copy now! Just be sure to get it by May 20 when the deal ends.

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Just for fun!

Remember that mosaic step I showed you last time? I’m really moving along with it! I’ve got the step fully set down now. Up next, the grout. More pictures of that next time!


Click on the covers to view these books on the website where you’ll find all the free links, plus blurbs and excerpts! Holiday in Paradise is still on sale for .99. Grab it quick! and please leave a review, it would be so helpful!

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