Field of Light!

Holiday in Paradise book cover

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Reunited in Love Maverick Millionaires Book 9 book cover

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Field of Light At Sensorio

How many of you have heard of the Field of Light? I visited a couple of weeks ago in Paso Robles, California, and the display was totally amazing: Field of Light at Sensorio. The simple explanation is that there are 15 acres of solar lights that blaze with color once the sun goes down. But pictures are worth a thousand words, they always say. So let me share.

First you should see what the field looks like before the sun sets, with all the lights set into the ground. The LED lights are solar-powered and connected by fiber optic cables.

Sensorio before sunset

This next photo is from a spot close to the entrance, and it’s not full dark yet, so you can still see the trees as a backdrop to the lights coming up. There are pathways throughout to give viewers different perspectives. See the yellow dots of light indicating the dark pathway?

Sensorio as the lights come up

Here’s the sunset in the background, but even though it’s not full dark, the colors of the lights are still brilliant against the sky. I liked the silhouette of the tree in the foreground.

Sensorio Sunset over the lights

Ahh, now it’s full dark. This is taken from the farthest end of the field looking toward the entrance. Aren’t those lights incredible!

Sensorio Full dark

The other cool light display is the towers. They’re made of hundreds of glass bottles filled with optic fibers inside that glow when the sun goes down. And of course they change color. This first photo is just before sunset.

Sensorio Light towers before dark

Here’s the display after sunset. Wouldn’t you love to have a light tower in your back yard! I would!

Sensoria light towers at night

And I’m popping in a silhouette of my husband just because I think it’s a cool photo!

My husband's silhouette against the Sensorio light towers

I wanted to visit the lights because I have a book planned which will feature them. But in the book, we’ll be visiting the Field of Light in the Australian Outback at the famous monolith of Uluru: Field of Light at Uluru. So you can look forward to that book, tentatively titled Moonrise over the Outback, at some time in the future!


Every newsletter, I have a contest for newsletter subscribers! So be sure to join our newsletter for the 411 on the latest freebies, contests, and new releases! In addition, just for newsletter fans, I’m putting excerpts in the newsletter. If you’d like to read advance excerpts of Reunited in Love and Margaritas in Mexico, be sure to Join Here!

Cover of Margaritas in Mexico - where the nights are sweet - by New York Times Bestselling Author Jennifer Skully

Here are your links to preorder Margaritas in Mexico! Don’t forget the book will be going into Kindle Unlimited two weeks after its release on July 18!

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Just for fun!

Here’s a set of mosaic steps I’m creating in my yard. I’m breaking china plates, then gluing them to the concrete and grouting them in. I don’t have any particular design in mind, just laying down colors I like. You’ll get to see more of this in the future as the mosaics progress!

mosaic steps first draft


Click on the covers to view these books on the website where you’ll find all the free links, plus blurbs and excerpts! As I mentioned above, Holiday in Paradise is on sale for .99. Grab it quick! Please leave a review, it would be so helpful!

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