Guest Blogger Rosemary Gunn

cover of Hearts A Plenty

A little business first! Congratulations to Estella on winning last week’s blog, a copy of Marianne Stillings Sighs Matter! I’ve got your address, Estella and I’ll get the book mailed out to you as soon as I get back from vacation (next week!). And now, I’d like to introduce my special guest Rosemary Gunn. I had the great pleasure of reading an advance copy of Hearts A Plenty and let me tell you, it’s a thrill a minute, sexy, touching, emotional, this story has everything! Enjoy the excerpt! Thanks for being here, Rosemary! And Open Proposal is a wonderfully sexy story, too! Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by! I’m thrilled to be here to talk about my new release Hearts A Plenty, Book 1 of my Vintage Love series. Thank you SO much for having me, Jas!! You’re the best! I’ll be giving away a print copy of my book, Open Proposal. All you need to do is answer the question following the excerpt below to be eligible to win. Good luck!

Welcome to Awry, the sleepy Midwest town where family roots run deep and friendships deeper; where passion burns white-hot and secrets are everybody’s business.

cover of Hearts A Plenty

Hearts A Plenty brings us into the lives of lovers Claire and Jared, as they prepare for a visit from Claire’s stepbrother, Mark.

Excerpt from Chapter One “Of course, I’ll be there. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen you and Daddy and I’m dying to see Jill’s baby.”

Claire Mason wandered around the condo as she talked on the phone, a habit that Jared Young had enjoyed watching during their many months of dating. He listened as she made her way through the kitchen into the living room then back down the hall toward the entry. He was surprised the floor didn’t show signs of wear from the circular route she typically traveled.

As part owner of an architectural salvage business, Claire’s place had an eclectic blend of many different eras. The brass and stained-glass light from the early twentieth century in the entrance illuminated a rough strip of barn wood lined with metal hooks and the jackets hanging there. In the hallway leading to the entry, an antique cherry-picking ladder attached horizontally to the wall provided the perfect complement for the black-and-white family photos showcased between the rungs.

The furnishings she used to create her home provided some insight about her quirky tastes and passion for her business, but none of it really mattered to Jared. He’d been content in the office/living area above his restaurant before more of his stuff started staying at her place than his.

From his vantage point he could see her reflection in the ornate floor mirror by the front door. Strain pulled at her soft lips and tightened the delicate curve of her jaw. Her sadness tugged at his heart. She stopped and leaned her forehead against the wall. The lavender in the old metal newspaper box that was secured upright usually helped to calm her, but it wasn’t working tonight. She closed her eyes and shook her head, maybe hoping some of her denial to whatever Dorothy was saying would travel telepathically through the phone.

Jared had been stretched out on the vintage sofa watching Claire as she talked to her stepmother, but now went to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. She wore a white tailored blouse with a classy high neck, unbuttoned just enough to hint at the delicious upper curves of her breasts, and a tan wool skirt hugged her hips. Just like her home decor, it made no difference to him what she wore; she always looked beautiful. She’d worked at the shop and attended a meeting today, but her T-shirts and jeans got him riled up as well. He’d like it if she’d wear just nothing at all. He didn’t have any problem wrapping his body around her curves and keeping her warm on the cold Michigan nights.

She settled against him. He heard and felt the steadying breath she took, knowing she drew strength from his touch. He had a feeling about where the topic had turned, which was confirmed by her next words.

“And Mark knows of this proposed arrangement?” Jared smoothed his hands up her sides over her ribs, feeling the soft shiver of awareness flutter through her. His own body tensed as he waited for Claire’s side of the conversation. He cupped the fullness of her breasts, rubbing the hard peaks through the crisp cotton and thin lace covering them.

“I realize that we’re family, Dorothy.” Emphasis obviously being repeated, though Claire’s words had a breathless quality that Dorothy Pierce-Mason’s had probably lacked. “That doesn’t necessarily mean that Mark is going to feel comfortable staying at my place while he’s here.” Another silence as Claire listened. Jared’s heart had settled somewhere in his throat as his mind quickly sifted through the many possibilities in the near future.

cover of Open Proposal by Rosemary Gunn

Okay, so now you’ve had a brief introduction to our couple. What would Jared like to see Claire wear all the time? (Remember to include your email address in your comment.)

Thanks again for stopping by and to Jas for inviting me to visit will you all! Be sure to stop my blog at for another opportunity to win a print copy of Open Proposal!

Happy Holidays, Rosemary


  1. Oh, Jas, this is so awful!! Not exactly the book launch I'd anticipated. [sigh]

    The laptop is dead, but the harddrive was saved. [whew] HUGE relief!! (In addition to all my photos and writing, that's also where the Max covers are.)

    Estella, thank you so much for commenting. And yes, though Jared is in no way a simple man, he would definitely like Claire warm and naked any time he wants. [grin]

    Thanks for patience as I continue to get my computer malfunctions fixed.

  2. Oh Rosemary, I'm so sorry that the laptop bit the dust, but whew that you were able to get all your stuff off the hard drive. Loosing all those photos and all your work would have been a double whammy! and I'm glad you got the Max stuff back, too.

  3. Just touching base to remind your visitors to also head over to my blog for another chance to win a print copy of Open Proposal!

    Finally, it seems things can get back to normal. [whew] Whatever that looks like.

  4. Vintage grabs my attention every time, Lil. The older the better. [grin]

    Stephanie, thank you so much for visiting. I've really enjoyed getting to know the folks who call Awry their home and hope you will too.

  5. Jared would like it if Claire wore just nothing at all.Hi Rosemary, I enjoyed the excerpt and the cover brings back fond memories. lol! Will head over to your blog for your contest as I'd love to read the entire book. Thanks.Mel K.

  6. Peggy and Deidre, thanks for stopping by!

    Cheryl, thank you! I hope you enjoy getting to know the people of Awry!

    Oh Mel, that sounds like a fun memory, for sure! Thanks for stopping in here and at my blog too!

  7. Thanks again to everyone that visited Jas's blog to help me celebrate the release of Hearts A Plenty!! You are the best!

    Congratulations to Peggy!! You are the winner of the print copy of Open Proposal!

    Remember there's another change to win still going on over at my blog then scroll down to the November 8th post. Good luck!!

  8. Hi Jasmine, fantastic interview.After reading this you have sparked my interest. I think Jared desires Claire to become a nudist, so she should be au natural all the time!

  9. Thank you for stopping by Susan! I hope you enjoy finding out more about Claire, Jared, and Mark … as well as the little town of Awry!

    Be sure to hop over to my blog too, for a chance to win a print copy of my previous release, Open Proposal. ( Just scroll down to the Hearts A Plenty release celebration and leave a comment.)

  10. Thanks so much for being with me this past month, Rosemary! Congrats to Peggy on winning Open Proposal. It's a great book!

    And thanks to everyone for stopping by. Sorry I've been out of touch, but I was vacationing Mom and family and didn't have Internet. But I'll have a new blog up tomorrow!

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