Finding the Gem!

cover of Hers for the Evening

Congratulations, Alison, on winning Jade Lee’s, The Concubine! I’ll send you an e-mail to get your snail mail.

For this blog, I’m still doing historicals, this one by Olivia Drake called Seducing the Heiress. Olivia Drake is a pseudonym of Barbara Dawson Smith. As always, to be eligible for the drawing, leave a comment, and you must type in your email address. I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on all the fun stuff and releases, too. I’ll announce the winner on my next blog in two weeks! And speaking of that blog, I’m having special guest Bella Andre and she’ll be giving away a copy of Wild Heat, so don’t miss it!

Last time I talked about writer’s block and fears. Well, I’ve had a complete turnaround! Thanks to all of you for sharing, of course. My RWA (Romance Writers of America) meeting was on Saturday. Now, first, the meeting place is up in Berkley, an hour and a half drive. And it was so sunny and gorgeous on Saturday and I wanted to write, not be inside in a meeting! And plus, let me tell you about getting back home across the Santa Cruz Mountains on a sunny Saturday when everyone wants to go to the beach!!! Nightmarish is the most polite word I can think of. But, I’d promised to drive some of my friends, so well, I had to go. Oh My God! I’m so glad I did. We had Barry Eisler, a mystery writer, speaking. He was wonderful, and everything he said just hit me the right way, and I was furiously writing notes so I could come home and put into practice everything he said! He gave us all a copy of his latest book, too! So see, sometimes, even when you’re grumpy, the whole day can turn around at the snap of a finger.

cover of Take Your Pleasure

Have you experienced any miraculous switches in attitude recently?

Don’t forget that the second Courtesans Tales, Hers for the Evening was out last week! Read an excerpt on my site! I really loved writing the stories in this book. Plus Take Your Pleasure is still available!


  1. Happy Monday JJ! Definitely a switch in attitude for me! A few weeks ago I was so depressed I didn't know if I could go on. Then I bought some Reeboks that are supposed to firm everything. Hee.Now I'm walking and I'm out of the funk I was in. I'm walking all the time. That's all I want to do! Well that and take time to visit the blog. *BG* HUGS!Are you going to the RWA conference in Orlando? I'll have you know my mom lives aprox. 15 mins. from Mickey!

  2. Happy Monday everyone! Jasmine I am glad to here your out of you slump! We all need a switch in attitude sometimes and sometimes taking a long walk works for me or winning a good book puts me in a up mood! Sometimes just visiting a friend will do wonders for you!

  3. I'm trying to change my attitude towards handling stress better. I'm trying to incorporate more exercise into my daily life. hugs,Anna

  4. Mel, I'm so glad that walking brought you out of your funk! Isn't it amazing how small things can make such a difference! Unfortunately I won't be able to go to Orlando. We're having my mom's 85th birthday/family reunion in July!

    Thank you, Virginia! And walking works for you, too! Friends and good books are great as well!

    I hope the rain goes soon, Estelle!

    Good luck on minimizing the stress, Anna! Exercise really helps, as attested to by the other ladies here! There's just something about a wonderful walk on a gorgeous day. But I don't even mind walking in the rain. Just getting out is the great thing.

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