Fabulous Contest! Great Prizes! Tons of Authors!

Lit Ring promo for Revenge

Happy New Year!!!

I’ve teamed up with over 300 fabulous writers for an amazing contest brought to you by LitRing.com. Here are the prizes you can look forward to if you’re one of the lucky winners: 1 $500 gift card, 4 $100 gift cards, 1 Kindle Fire, 1 Nook Color, 1 iPad Mini, and 1 Kobo Aura. Wow! And, just for completing the big quiz, you will be sent free books in February after the contest is over.

Here’s how it works. Go to http://www.litring.com/giveaways/. Pick your favorite genre, then move on to the BIG QUIZ! If you have any problems, just click the orange button at the top that says “Jump Straight to the Big Quiz!” Answer a few fun questions about your reading preferences (yes, many of them made me laugh!), and you’ll get a list of books that you just might be dying to read. And you’re entered in the contest! It’s that easy! I’m so happy to be a part of the fabulous contest. In honor of it, Revenge, West Coast Book 1, is on sale everywhere for .99 this month!

Lit Ring promo for Revenge

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