Once Again

Snowy, steamy, mature romance

Lush and emotional are two words that always come to mind when I experience Jennifer Skully’s Once Again series. Each book features a strong, mature woman finding her way to love again in a wholly believable and genuinely relatable way. Under the Northern Lights falls at the perfect time of year: it features a romantic…

Such a unique story…

Loved the main characters, even though they would be regarded as past their sell by date they were still passionate & sexual. He saved her from being run over by a bus when she distractedly stepped into the road, instant attraction that blossomed quickly to compelling passion. The widow was being pressurized by her adult…

Fun read

This isn’t my usual genre, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. A couple where she is a CEO and her husband is a PE teacher at a private school, with a big mortgage, two sons in Ivy League college, lost their communication. He surprised her for their 30th anniversary With a trip on the Orient Express…

Relationship priorities

Linda was like a poison that Marnie let influence her mind and actions! Gad!! Marnier was hard for me to like. She was so quick to believe the worst about a man she loved for 30 years because of a sour bitter friend! WTH? Guy was a true keeper and deserved better from Marnie. A…

This is deep

Wow, this is outstanding and a very rare instance for me to choose to read. This couple realistically portrays that restoration is possible, if the foundation is solid. They need a trek down memory lane, clean out the spider webs in their thought process and air out the secret closets. Very captivating, emotional, very well…

Fantastic book.

I loved this book. At first I wasn’t sure Guy and Marnie’s relationship will survive. Are either one of them cheating? Guy plans an anniversary trip and Marnie doesn’t seem like she really wants to go. So many problems. Loved feeling connected with them. Loved their interactions with a famous couple. Loved how they learn…

Very heartfelt read

I am not much for reviewing books but this one was so real. You feel the anguish this couple is going through. Her a CEO and him a PE teacher. She was to worried about money for children’s college and him taking care of home and life. A 30 year anniversary trip on the Orient…