Any Way She Wants It

Last night I was trying to decide if this was an erotic romance or romantic erotica. Today, as I write this, I’ve decided it’s primarily a romance, but the sex is lively and frequent. Tricia, the heroine, is truly the stronger partner in their growing relationship, but David keeps plugging along. And, while this seems…

Romance with Substance

Jasmine Haynes has done it again: she has crafted a beautiful novel focused on two mature characters with a history and managed to break and heal her readers’ hearts in turn. With her trademark grace and her smooth prose style, Haynes has given us a story filled with romance, heat, and substance. Haynes always presents…

Loved it

This is the first book in this series that I’ve had the pleasure to read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I like the second chance troupe, and the characters are realistic and likable. David had me SMH with all his inner turmoil and his conscience over past events with Tricia. Let it go!!! Tricia really…

Feeling Guilty

I loved this book and couldn’t put it down until I finished. Tricia has loved David since she was 16, but he’s always felt guilty for giving her a first kiss, he was too old for her. She’s always compared everyone to him. But now it’s 22 years later, and they work together. As they…