The Naughty Corner

From left to right, Shelley Adina, Victoria Johnson, Jennifer Skully, and Nia Simone

To the winners!

Thanks to all of you who stopped by the blog to celebrate the release of The Other Man! And I can’t choose between you! So I’m going to give everyone who posted a copy of West Coast, Book 2, Submitting to the Boss! I have email addresses for all of you except Anne and Jane…

Cover of The Naughty Corner

Join me in The Naughty Corner!

Berkley has set up a Goodreads Giveaway for The Naughty Corner. This giveaway is for 20 copies and runs through Sept 30, the day before The Naughty Corner releases. So here’s your chance to get your copy free! Just follow this link straight to the giveaway:! And to whet your appetite for the free…