Welcome to the authors of Cauldron of Tales!

Cauldron of Tales

I’m so pleased to have Nikki Prince on the blog again talking about the new anthology she’s involved with. The excerpt is intriguing and I can’t wait to read the whole cauldron of sexy, witchy tales! Welcome, Nikki!

Cauldron of Tales Anthology basically came about with a few of the authors getting their rights back for their stories after a publishing house went down. Those authors and I were in a group together and they wanted to do a self-publish of their stories and asked others in the group if they wanted to do so as well. I jumped on the proverbial band and I am so glad I did. Such wonderful stories in this there is something for everyone. Each story features a Witch as the heroine.

This anthology will be out October 1, 2012 just in time for some quick sweet, sensual and ultra sexy Halloween holiday reading.

Blurb: Sonia Hightower. In The Devil’s Berries, readers are taken back to Renaissance England where Sabine, facing her last night alive, reveals how the witch really came to be associated with the broomstick. Will her nightly visitor bring her more trouble or will he give her peace?

Lorraine Nelson. Cindy can’t decide if she’s Hexed Or Vexed her longtime friend, Killen. All she knows is that one second he was her very manly friend, and the next, he’s a dog. Can her Witchy Group on Facebook help her fix the mess, or will she be burdened with a comical canine companion the rest of her days?

Chacelyn Pierce. Willow Vance is a poor excuse for a witch, and by some stroke of luck, the six-year-old Past Potion she crafted worked. When the hexed warlock finds out about Willow’s curse, he will stop at nothing for her to lift the spell. Willow can run, but does she want to?

Angelina Rain. Alone for Halloween, Bryn is ready to take some frustrations out on her purple battery-operated toy, but she’s in for a surprise when the Toy Soldier becomes a flesh-and-blood man. Grateful to be free of his plastic curse, Byron will do anything for her…no matter how naughty.

Nikki Prince. A dance of seduction under The Light of the Moon turns into a night of passion, but will that be enough for Aponi to keep the man of her dreams enchanted? Or will the flame that was ignited die out just as quickly as it sparked?

Sonia Hightower. Danica finds herself confused after a trip to the carnival with her best friend and coworker. She’s been attracted to Lisette for months, but are her feelings really being reciprocated, or was there A Sappho Spell cast in Madame Lilith’s tent?

Angelina Rain’s story is Toy Soldier. Here’s a hot excerpt:

Excitement raced through her as she studied the plastic cock. It was thick. When she wrapped her fingers around it, they barely touched. And it was long, much longer than most vibrators she’d seen out there.

Her nipples perked as she imagined sliding the big boy inside her.

Ah, boy! Better hurry up and get back into the bedroom.

A grin spread over her face as she hurriedly made her way out of the kitchen, and she was about to cross toward her room when her foot stepped on something sharp.

“What the fuck?” she shouted and jumped back. “How many fucking toy soldiers does he have?”

Rage brewed inside her as she noticed the droplets of blood on her carpet. And her poor foot ached like a motherfucker! It was all the fault of this stupid toy! She pointed her finger at it and mumbled a few words.

Green, black, and brown smoke swirled around the room, starting to take the shape of a human.

“You son of a bitch!” she screamed before the toy even finished materializing. “You hurt me, you scumbag!”

The smoke took a solid shape, at first like a mountain that over seconds materialized into a human shape cloaked in black. She swiped the dickhead end of the vibrator across his face. “You stupid thing! I should shove this toy up your ass and see how you like being hurt!”

Strong hands grabbed her arms and spun her around so fast, the room still danced although she was motionless. The toy-human pressed her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her middle until she couldn’t move, couldn’t fight him.

“Please stop hitting me,” he said in a harsh, yet controlled tone. His voice was like smoke and honey. Sensual, yet rugged.

Her insides tingled as she imagined that voice moaning her name as she sucked his cock. But… This was a toy turned human. Surely, he would be ugly and lopsided and as dumb as a sack of rocks.

“Let me go,” she ordered.

“Promise you won’t hit me again.”

“I promise. Now let me go.” As soon as she could turn around, she’d turn him back into a toy anyway!

His grip loosened around her until his arms left hers altogether. She spun on her heels, coming face-to-face with the infuriating toy. A string of profanities ready to leave her mouth suddenly lodged in her throat. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

What stood before her was perfection in the flesh! Dark brown eyes stared back at her in what appeared to be amusement. He was taller than her by a few inches. The man had short black hair cut in a military buzz cut. He wore a silver necklace on his neck with dog tags on it. Besides that, his chest was naked and covered in hard muscles. He looked like a hero on a romance novel cover. Cargo pants covered his legs, and for a second—okay, maybe longer than that—she wished she could see him completely naked.

Find us:

Twitter: @cauldrontales Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CauldronOfTalesAnthology Email: Cauldronoftales@writeme.com Webiste: http://cauldronoftales.webstarts.com/ Buy link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/226200

Sonia Hightower

Sonia Hightower is a pen name for Tara Chevrestt, a deaf woman, former aviation mechanic, writer, and editor. She is most passionate about planes, motorcycles, dogs, and above all, reading. That led to her love of writing. Between her writing and her editing, which allows her to be home with her little canine kids, she believes she has the greatest job in the world. She is very happily married. Sonia writes the racy stuff and argues she was here first. She just wasn’t allowed to be unleashed until the last year. While Tara and Sonia continue to fight over the laptop and debate who writes the next book, you can find buy links, blurbs, and other fun bits on their website, http://tarachevrestt.weebly.com/index.html or their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tara-Chevrestt-Sonia-Hightower/218383211513877.


Lorraine Nelson

Lorraine Nelson is a multi-published author who lives in rural New Brunswick, on the east coast of Canada. Always a bookworm, she’s read many novels of romance and mystery over the years, finally deciding to put her pen to work at writing one. Lorraine lives alone with an independent yet affectionate tomcat, enjoys spending time with her three sons and six grandchildren, the latest just born in December, 2011. When not at the computer, you can find her spending time with family, gardening, baking, and, of course, reading. Lorraine loves to hear from readers. You can keep up with Lorraine’s releases by visiting her at the following locations: Website: http://lorrainenelson.weebly.com Blog: http://lorrainenelson.wordpress.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LorraineNelson.Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/lornelca


Chacelyn Pierce

A rocker by heart, Chacelyn Pierce is constantly ear plugged with heavy tunes blaring to stir up the phantom personalities that swarm her mind. It’s no surprise she enjoys writing and reading to satiate her appetite for the male antagonist in a story. Married to a blatant redhead and mothering a diva, there is never a dull moment in the house. As a native Texan, she doesn’t personally own a horse but follows the unwritten southern rule of knowing how to ride one. When she’s not testing the emotional capacity of her characters, she works part time as a dog groomer.

Find her here: http://www.chacelynpierce.com/.


Angelina Rain

As a child, Angelina Rain wanted to be a fashion designer, artist, lawyer, psychologist, cop, and everything else known to man and woman. It wasn’t until high school that she had a dream where she was a bestselling author. Awoken from the dream, Angelina knew what she wanted to do with her life. Currently, Angie lives in the south suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, where she crafts stories of passion, intrigue, romance, magic, and the occasional sarcastic bitch heroine she bases on herself. Ang loves to hear from her fans and welcomes emails from readers. Write to her at angelinarainauthor@yahoo.com or check out her site www.angelina-rain.com and blog www.angelinarain.blogspot.com.


Nikki Prince

Nikki Prince is a mother of two, who’s always had a dream to be a published author in the romance genre. Her passion lies in gaming, cooking, reading, writing, and raising her children as readers too. Her mother can now breathe easy about the child who used to get in trouble because she was hiding books everywhere and reading when it wasn’t appropriate. She loves to write Interracial romances in all genres, but wants to let everyone know to not box her in, because there is always room for growth. You can find buy links, blurbs and other information on Nikki Prince at her website: http://www.nikkiprince.blogspot.com or on her Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorNikkiPrince.


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