Welcome Author Nikki Prince!

Nikki Prince

She’s Gotta Be Mine is still free right now on Amazon, Apple, and other major retailers. Also, thanks for helping to make the launch of 69ShadeOfSmutBlog such a great success! Drop by the 69Shades blog for an interview with Jack Taylor, hero of Skin Deep.

And now, to introduce my good friend Nikki Prince. She’s just sold her first book called Hot for the Teacher! I’m so excited for her and I’ve asked her lots of fun questions about her writing journey. I’ve learned so much about her, and it’s been great! I love her photo, I think Nikki looks like Cleopatra! So please welcome Nikki Prince!

Nikki Prince

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I first realized that I wanted to write when I was the age of 12. I’d been reading romance books voraciously and figured I could do it, too. So I devoured all the books I could and this was a time when there weren’t computers for me to type on, so I would hand write things or use a regular computer. I checked out everything I could on how to write a romance book.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

Ideas just come to me really. I take it from everything. Sometimes a phrase will come from just looking at a movie and seeing a character. Or looking for character pictures of what I imagine a character to look like and I will build around that picture. My muse can be fickle, there is no set way truly that I get ideas. I just get them from different places.

When did you write your first book and how old were you?

I was 13 and living in the Philippines (my parents were military) when I wrote my first book and then I made the newbie mistake and let a friend read it, who promptly lost it.

Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?

I have been wanting to write since I was 12 and now 30 years later I have a contract and I am working on several other works in progress. My advice to anyone who wants to write, keep writing and never give up.

Do you like to create books for adults?

I love to create for adults. I have gotten to the age that I can’t read YA, let alone write it. Though I do at some point want to write a children’s book. Go figure. But yes, adult writing is my niche.

What do you think makes a good story?

I love angst. A reason for the characters to fight to be together. Love, angst, and of course sex. Not necessarily in that order either. I think seriously that the characters need to have chemistry. That something that pulls them together at first. Even if they think it’s just the sex. But they are pulled together and feel like they can’t do without each other.

Where can readers find you (What websites, emails etc)?

I thought you’d never ask! I am such a social-ho! (yep I admit it freely and proudly). So please come find me!

website/blog: http://nikkiprince.blogspot.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorNikkiPrince email: NikkiPrince@writeme.com Twitter: @authornprince Facebook author page: http://www.facebook.com/NikkiPrinceAuthor

Favorite dessert?

My most favorite desert would have to be my grandmother’s sweet potato pie. Thank god my Aunt can make it like she could. Miss you, grandma.

Favorite way to relax?

Reading, writing, listening to music, chatting.

What TV shows/ channels do you watch?

The Walking Dead River Monsters Discovery ID Animal Planet Cartoon Network Oxygen

Five things we wouldn’t know about you.

I love UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). I love the color purple (hmm maybe you do all know that). I wanted to be a fashion designer. I love to cook and wanted to go to culinary school. I am a serious gamer (World of Warcraft, The Sims, Diablo, Facebook games etc).

Tell us about your newest release.

I co-wrote an Interracial Cougar Erotic Romance (novella length) with my bestie Bella Rosso, called Hot For The Teacher. We both have always wanted to write and we’ve been role-playing (writing) together since 2006. We had been saying for a long while we should write an actual book together. So we did. Hot For The Teacher is not actually our first try. But it is the one that we had perfected enough to send in to see if we could get a contract. It is now in edits because it got picked up by Keith Publishing for publication! So a release date will be coming soon once our edits are done.

What can the readers expect from you in the near future? I am currently working on a piece called Demon Mine. It is an Interracial Paranormal Erotic Romance. I have other pieces that I will be working on in the future. I am really interested in Interracial/Multicultural relationships, but that doesn’t always mean that is the only thing I will write. I follow my muse so what she wills is what I will write. I’ve about 10 works in progress currently. A few are with Bella Rosso (she can be found here: xbellarossox.blogspot.com) and two others are with Shyla Colt (fabulous published author you can find her here: shylacoltsstraightshot.wordpress.com). The rest of the works in progress are ones I am working on by myself.

Thank you Jasmine for being a doll and having me here. I am so honored and appreciative.

Thank you for sharing with us, Nikki! And your grandma’s sweet potato pie sounds yummy!


  1. Hey Nikki! It was great getting to know you a bit more! And so cool that you got to live overseas.


    PS: Yeah, the purple tidbit was not so unknown 😉

  2. Good interview! I love reading interracial romance so I'm really thrilled to hear about Nikki's venture into that…and though it's not really funny…lol about you loaning your 13 year old friend a copy of your book and her losing it…would totally be something that would happen to me…or better yet I'd put it someplace to keep it safe and then forget where I hid it…lol..Good Luck with your works in progress!

  3. Maria thank you for stopping by. I plan on more interracial romances. I have one I just finished which is a paranormal erotic romance called Demon Mine. I have several stories in the works even another Interracial Cougar romance!

    And the story about the lost MS is funny now. Wasn't then. LOL

  4. Wow, she's right about you looking like Cleopatra and girl we need to trade sweet potato pie recipes because I have one that I will literally eat all by myself. I loved helping you with Demon Mine, and I can't wait to see how it ends up 🙂 Muah!

  5. UFC ROCKS the house! hehehe Congratulations on your contract! That's so exciting. I can't wait until Demon Mine is out there too. Keep cool, Nikki. I'll be looking for you on Facebook 🙂

  6. I should connect you to my muse for my hero, he's a Polish cage fighter. Great interview Nikki. I've only known you a short while, but you're such an upbeat person I try and catch you wherever I can.
    Congrats on the sale and you know I support your purple issues.Great to see another interracial multicultural romance author.

    Cora Blu

  7. Cora thank you so much for stopping by! Your the best and it is good to see a fellow interracial romance writer who has purple issues. And your book sounds exciting…mmm a cage fighter!

  8. Hi Nikki. Congratulations on your first sale! What a great interview! I'm looking forward to chatting with you at the next OCC meeting. I loved that the purple streaks in your hair matched your purple sweater!! LOL Sweet potato pie is one of my faves, too! Cheers…

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