
cover of Fair Game

Congratulations to house-mouse, you are the winner of The Prize by Brenda Joyce. I’ll be contacting you for your snail mail address (or you can email me on skully at skullybuzz dot com if you see this first) and mailing out your prize!

For this week, I’ve got a futuristic romance, The Shadow Runners by Liz Maverick. Gosh, I think she’s got a character named after me in this one! So, post a comment, (you must type in your email address) and I’ll enter you in the drawing for Liz’s book. I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on all the fun stuff and releases, too. I’ll announce the winner on the May 4th blog! Good luck!

My hubby and I are currently watching all the Star Trek movies and we’re working our way through Star Trek: The Next Generation, too. Up last night was First Contact. Of course, in the credits is Gene Roddenberry, because the whole Star Trek world is based on his idea, even as we move forward with new characters and new threats, like the Borg. It suddenly struck what an amazing thing this man did. His concept, his world, has taken over 40 years of television and movies. And yes, we even have a new Star Trek movie coming out in May. You may never have watched any iteration of Star Trek, but you’ve heard of it, you know what it’s about. Is it brilliance? Is it luck? I have to think it’s that he created a world so interesting and compelling that we have to keep stepping into it over and over. We can’t let it go. And that is the goal of every writer, I think, to create something that people have to keep coming back to. I felt myself in awe last night. And as I writer, I have to believe those characters and that world were actually real to him. I know mine are to me.

So, who do you admire and why? I chose a writer probably because I am a writer, but I’m sure there are any number of people in your life that you admire.

I’ve got a very special blog coming up that I don’t want you to miss. Next Tuesday, that’s April 28th, Bella Andre will be my guest. She’s got a new book coming out, Wild Heat. It’s fantastic. She’ll be giving away a copy of Game for Anything and Game for Seduction to one lucky poster on that day. So don’t forget to stop by for her special blog.

Jasmine, Jennifer and JB! Newsletter:


  1. The list of writers that I admire is long and diverse. For this comment, I’ll just name two.

    You. Of course, there are 3 of you, but Jasmine is the identity that hooked me first. Your books (one in particular) changed everything for me. I would not be where I am today (a published author) without having read The Fortune Hunter and knowing in my heart that I had finally found my place.

    Stephen King is another favorite. He holds nothing back, just leaves everything on the page. The idea terrifies me, yet motivates me to kick the Inner Critic to the curb and just write.

  2. Oh yes, marie, Anne Stuart does the absolute best dark heroes!

    Thank you so much, Rosemary. You can’t know what your words mean to me. And to be mentioned right along with Stephen King! I remember reading The Stand many moons ago and being totally enthralled. He is truly an amazing writer.

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