Top Cowboys of Film

Cover of Hard Ridin by Em Petrova

Hi, everyone. I’ve got special guest Em Petrova for you this week, talking about hunky movie cowboys (and I’m a huge Kurt Russell fan, Em!) and giving you a sexy excerpt of her new release, Hard Ridin’. Whew, it is hot! And away we go, Em! Cowboys have their own style and attitude, which is exactly why I wanted to spend time writing them. Now I can officially say I’m a sucker for a cowboy hat and a rugged pair of Wranglers. Yep, ladies and gents, I’ve crossed over! Yeehaw!

While I was writing my latest ménage, Hard Ridin’, I spent some time researching all things cowboy and western. That means I watched some damn good movies. Here are some of the best of all time.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly—a total classic. Anyone who hasn’t seen this is missing out. Nothing beats the one-word answers or the bad-ass glares of Clint Eastwood!

The Outlaw Josey Wales—since we’re talking Clint Eastwood, this is a must-see.

Young Guns—What the story might be lacking, is made up for with a hunk cast of actors like Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Charlie Sheen, Dermot Mulroney, and Casey Siemaszko!

Tombstone—this movie packs a powerful punch. I’m not a huge fan of Kurt Russell, but who could ever be a better Wyatt Earp?

Hell on Wheels—this modern western sucked me right in. The brooding Cullen Bohannen is one hot leading man. I have to admit, I didn’t catch this series until the last two episodes of the season. But I’ve since snagged it on Amazon for more inspiration!

Now I’ll leave you with a very hot excerpt of Hard Ridin’. Thanks for stopping by, and thank you to Jasmine for hosting me!

Excerpt rated STEAMY ADULT:

Holden bounced off the doorjamb but never released Laurel’s mouth. She cupped his face, rasping the hair on his jaw with her fingertips and reveling in the sound. She lost herself in the velvety stroke of his tongue, so different from Jens’s, but no less exciting.

What am I doing? Kissing two men in the same day was stupid. Kissing two men within five minutes? She’d lost her fucking mind.

As Holden swept her up the staircase in his arms, Jens’s words swam through her psyche. Rather share than lose you. Date both of us.

And his final words, whispered after that knee-weakening kiss. “Go to him, but come back to me. I’ll come up to the house tonight.”

While her mind screamed that this was not right—that she’d regret allowing herself to get carried away—her body succumbed absolutely. Eight months of longing for Holden sliced through the last threads of self-control.

“God, baby, I can’t get enough of you.” Holden nipped her lower lip and drew her mouth back. She swirled her tongue over his as he navigated the hallway to what must have been his bedroom.

She’d never been upstairs in this house. When she and Holden had dated, they always ended up in her bed. And she and Jens hadn’t made it this far.

Guilt sluiced through her, and she withdrew from the kiss. Holden reclaimed her mouth as he kicked open the door. The wooden slab crashed off the inner wall. In five steps, they reached the bed.

“I want you, and this isn’t going to be gentle.” He tossed her onto the bed and blanketed her with his body.

A dark heat wove through her belly, and her pussy throbbed. Countless times she’d fingered herself to this fantasy—of joining with Holden when he returned from Alaska.

Every alpha inch of his body flush against hers as he demanded she give in to her passions.

But she’d also thrust her fingers into her pussy to dreams of her first time with Jens. She imagined Jens to be a gentle but thorough lover, able to continue long into the night.

Holden began to strip off her clothes, throwing them over his shoulder piece by piece.

“Look at me, Laurel. I have to see your eyes.”

A tremor racked her. She didn’t think she could really let herself go. Yesterday she’d been in Jens’s arms—Jens’s girl. Today she was both Jens’s and Holden’s?

“I don’t—I can’t—”

“Shh.” Holden spattered kisses over her throat and down to her breasts, which were bare. She wore only low-slung jeans, her belly dipping with each excited breath.

Jens stoked these fires, and now Holden will bring me to completion?

Holden licked a path over her collarbone. “Let yourself feel, Laurel.”

“And what happens afterward? When Jens claims his turn?”

A spark lit Holden’s hazel eyes, illuminating the gold flecks. “Then you let yourself feel then too. That’s the deal, right?”

She sucked in a breath and he simultaneously captured her nipple between his lips. Clamping down, he exerted the perfect amount of pressure even as he flicked his tongue over her straining bud.

Buy Hard Ridin’:

On Amazon:

Em Petrova ~where words mean so much more~


  1. Great post! Tombstone is and probably will always be my favoritest western. Silverado gets an honorable mention by me. Young Kevin Costner was so cute! :O)

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