Wives & Neighbors

Just what I need

Like many of us, I have really discovered erotic novels, and ‘kinky stuff’after reading 50 shades.I have read A LOT of these types of books and this one is in my top ten. If you want kinky sex, a plot line that you can tell what is going to happen, and a little romance thrown…


I first read this book in Jul 2011 and now it is November and I am still thinking about this book. I think it very brave Ms. Haynes wrote a book about this subject! Then she gave it credibility with the POVs of Drew and Alexis, the thought provoking topic, the emotional aspects and the…

kinky hot

I would give this book an x rating….not Xxx though. It is very hot and will get ya going….if you know what I mean. As much as I thought STOP this is to much…I han to read on. I am very glad I did. The ending is fab. I am now sad that it is…

Good Read!

I really enjoyed this book! While reading, I could truely understand the feelings Drew and Alexis were struggling with. I like that the author made it more “realistic” by showing that it wasn’t easy to enter into a foursome/swap without emotions, feelings and not so pleasant results. I couldn’t stand Cat from the beginning-she was…

An incredible read!!!!!!

Jasmine Haynes is one of my favorite authors; all of her stories are filled with incredible plots, well written characters and amazing sex scenes. I highly recommend this book and Mrs. Haynes, she has a way with words that drops the reader in the center of all the drama, I love it! Thank you Jasmine…