heartwarming and romantic
Real people with real emotions, liked being able to see the male and female thoughts as the relationship evolves. Also love a happier ending!
Real people with real emotions, liked being able to see the male and female thoughts as the relationship evolves. Also love a happier ending!
It was great reading a romance that was true to life about people, middle aged, rather than just young things, and what they’ve got going on in their life. It made me laugh. It made me cry. It was a very enjoyable read.
This is the best romance I’ve read in years! The main characters are both mature adults, acting like mature adults, who are beset with the same angst that most adults struggle with. And I really enjoyed the backdrop of Rome.
I don’t usually do second chance romance. They always seem contrived, but this one was chalked full of honesty and hope. I enjoyed it completely.
WISHING IN ROME is a standalone read with a happy ending. There are a few sexy scenes if that is an issue for you. The main part of the story is set in Rome. If you have ever been, you get to revisit all the tourist spots as well as new places. Lots to learn…
This book was a great and delicious escape story.I felt like I was in Italy, and that Dana was me!I totally related to her emotions and feelings, and was rooting for her all the way.
Dana and Carol are out on their walk and suddenly Carol gets a tremendous headache, she can’t move from the pain, they get her to the hospital on time and after a few days she’s better but then she relapses and dies. Her last wish and direction to Dana is to go to Rome, make…
Even though it was a bit predictable, this book was quite enjoyable. To those who have been to Rome, it brought back beautiful memories. The characters were real and well described.
I liked reading about Dana, her thoughts and fears, and how she evolved. I loved reading about Rome, remembering places I’ve been. And I loved reading Marshal’s thoughts, and how the relationship between Dana and Marshal changed from friendship to love.
Predictable ending but still enjoyed it. It was nice seeing an older couple meeting and falling in love. It can happen!