SWAT van

Congratulations to Dena Walton! You are the winner of A Dangerous Beauty by Sophia Nash. I’ll be contacting you for your snail mail address or you can email me at skully @ skullybuzz dot com.

Next up, I have an autographed copy of Karin Tabke’s Master of Surrender. She writes such hot, sexy books. To be eligible for the drawing, you must type in your email address. I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on all the fun stuff and releases, too. I’ll announce the winner on my next blog!

Okay, SWAT! No, I don’t mean flies. I’m talking about the SWAT team. Lest you should think they are only the stuff of TV, movies, and fiction, they really do exist. I was out watering my yard on Saturday, and down the street comes a SWAT van and 6 sheriffs’ vehicles in a caravan. This is a quiet neighborhood in the mountains. It’s at a dead end, so it’s not like you can even pass through the neighborhood on your way to somewhere else. I live on a corner halfway down the hill. And lo and behold, the SWAT van stops right along the side of my house. And really, I’m thinking to myself, did I do something bad that I don’t remember doing? Maybe one of my multiple personalities did it. Then all the SWAT guys jump out with their guns and do that crouch run that you always see on TV. Thank goodness they went down the hill, not up to my house. Of course, I rushed in to get the camera because I knew my husband wouldn’t believe me unless I had proof. Unfortunately, I was too late to capture them in that crouch run with their guns. Then the neighbors started pouring out their houses to see what was going on. I swear, people even drove here. Gosh, are we rubberneckers or what! I thought the cops would have told us to get back in our houses, but no, they let us watch. In the end, we learned that there was a robbery in the next town over, and they thought the suspect was holed up in a house two doors down from mine. He wasn’t. So they packed up their stuff and went away, excitement over. Honestly, though, two things struck me, first that I could actually wonder if I’d done something to warrant the SWAT team, and second, that we are all so nosy and excited about someone else’s business. Well, I guess it could have been my business if there was a meth lab in the house that might explode.

Here’s a little update from the last blog, my husband is still gone, and darn, it’s getting kinda lonely around here, even with Star for company. Maybe that’s why I was so fascinated with the SWAT team.

BTW, don’t miss my blog Tuesday 9/8 at The Tote Blog. I’ll be giving away one of my own books, just haven’t decided which one yet!

Jasmine, Jennifer and JB!


  1. Its a curious thing to want to compare TV SWAT with the real ones. And its a good thing they didn't go to your house. Can you imagine if they got the wrong house. Yikes!

    I'm really excited about MASTER OF SURRENDER. I have read good reviews for it, and she's a new-to-me author.

    Are you working on your TBR pile? I had a little time this weekend to read. I am reading the second book of the Twilight saga, NEW MOON. Yup, a late bloomer. That's because I've been busy reading hot steamy romances instead.

  2. Just your normal neighbor fun in small mountain communities, Alexa, LOL!

    I just didn't think they brought the SWAT team out for burglaries, Armenia! But at least it wasn't me! And Master of Surrender is really good. I finished Twilight (a late bloomer, too!), but haven't started New Moon yet. And what I'm reading right now, The Madness of Lord Ian MacKenzie by Jennifer Ashley. Wonderful!

  3. OMG, Jas!! This is SO exciting! I am a total rubbernecker, too. [grin] Men in uniform, especially uniforms that include guns and Kevlar…mmm-yummy! [nodding head] It's just as well that you weren't able to capture them all crouched with their guns drawn…I probably wouldn't get anything done today. LOL!

  4. Hi Jas, It's always fun to break up the old routine. lol. Thank goodness there was no shooting though. I sent my address, thanks so much, it's always fun winning a book by a author thats new to me.

  5. One of my friends is married to an animal control officer who is part of a SWAT team. It's his job to "disable" the guarddogs that the bad guys like drug dealers etc have. It is not a job for the faint of heart!

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