Skin Deep!

Cover of Skin Deep by New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jasmine Haynes - Prescott Twins, Book 2

A couple of business items up first!

First, She’s Gotta Be Mine is free right now on Amazon, Smashwords, Sony, iBook. I hope you’ll all take advantage of the sales!

Second, a reminder about 69 Shades of Smut, my new blog venture with 13 wonderful authors. We’ve got a grand opening for all our readers, and we’re each giving away an ebook copy of one of our backlist (you can choose from the books under our individual names on the blog). So we’ve got lots of prizes and lots of fun blogs. You must comment by June 2nd to be entered into the drawings and you can comment as many times as you like! Here’s the link to all the fun:

And now, I wanted to let you know about Skin Deep, Prescott Twins, Book 2. It’s finally here! I’ve got a blurb and excerpt for you, so sit back and enjoy!

Skin Deep Prescott Twins, Book 2

Copyright 2012 Jasmine Haynes Format: E-book

Kirby Prescott is a woman in control of her life. She owns a thriving company, has her pick of gorgeous escorts, and no one to tell her what to do. And she has Jack Taylor, a man she’s never met but who knows her more intimately than almost anyone. Only a phone call away, Jack feeds her deepest desires with hot phone sex. Afterward, all she has to do is hang up. No fuss, no mess, no entanglements. Just the way Kirby likes it.

Jack Taylor isn’t staying long distance anymore. He knows what he wants, and he plans on showing Kirby that having him in her life doesn’t mean giving up her independence. Turning a simple business trip into a sensual journey, Jack is determined to win her over, body and soul.

Will taking the long distance out of their relationship ruin the perfect thing they had going?

[Previously published in 2005 in the anthology Twin Peaks]


After telling Cindy, her secretary, to hold all her calls, Kirby locked her office door.

Seated once more behind the desk, she snapped her earpiece in place. She liked her hands free when she phoned Jack. Propping her feet on the wood edge, she undid the third and fourth buttons of her blouse.

During the day, while at work, she limited herself to a sedate two open buttons. With the locked door discouraging visitors, she indulged herself.

Let’s see, it was four o’clock back East. Perfect. Jack liked a little pick-me-up to get him through the late afternoon.

She dialed his direct line.

“Jack Taylor’s office.”

Damn. His secretary. That meant he was in a meeting.

“This is Kirby Prescott. Is he in?”

“I’m sorry, he’s got someone with him right now. Would you like his voice mail?”


She left the message, unplugged her earpiece, then prowled her office in bare feet. After a very long five minutes, the phone rang. Jack’s number came up on the digital readout.

She jammed the plug for her earpiece back into its socket. “Jack, that latest shipment of glycolic is crap. It separates. I can’t use the stuff.”

He was silent a moment. “Are you wearing panties?”

She smiled, her muscles relaxing. She flopped back into her chair and tucked her feet beneath her. “No.”

He groaned, barely more than a rush of air across the phone line. “All right. Send the whole lot back UPS Red. I’ll get a replacement shipment out tomorrow morning. Too late to do it today.”

“You’re a doll, Jack.” He was way more than that. He was an animal.

“Are you wearing a bra?”


“Was it the new formula that got screwed up?” he asked. Even when he was all business, his delicious voice could almost make her come.

“No, this was the old stuff. I haven’t even received a sample of the new.”

“All right, I’ll look into what happened. You should have had it on Tuesday.”

“Thanks, Jack.”

“Take off your bra.”

“Don’t you want my new order first?”

“After you describe your nipples to me. Are they hard?”

Squeezing her legs together to intensify the pleasant throb between them, she massaged the stiff peaks through her silk blouse. “Very.”

“God. I want to touch them. Your blouse, your bra, I want them off now.”

“You are so demanding.”

“Yeah. And you love it. Now take them off.”

He was right; she did love it. His command made her stomach flutter. Normally, Kirby didn’t take orders, she issued them. Jack Taylor was her secret indulgence and submission to him her secret vice. It wasn’t like this was real life, after all. It was fantasy.

I hope you enjoyed that little snippet of Skin Deep. You can read another excerpt on my website. Skin Deep is available at Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, and ARe. Soon to be on Sony and iBook. Double the Pleasure, Book 1, is still available at Amazon, B&N, ARe, and Smashwords. Hopefully it will be on Sony and iBook soon!


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