cover of Yours for the Night

Congratulations to Rosemary Gunn, you are the winner of Shadow Runners by Liz Maverick. I’ll be mailing out your prize before I leave on vacation! And I also want to thank Bella Andre for being with us last week! We did a book signing together in Silicon Valley on Saturday!

For this week, I’ve got another historical, Deliciously Wicked by Robyn DeHart. So, post a comment, (you must type in your email address) and I’ll enter you in the drawing for Robyn’s book. I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on all the fun stuff and releases, too. I’ll announce the winner on the May 19th blog! Good luck!

I’ll be out of town until May 18th so instead of my usual Monday, I’ll be doing the blog on Tuesday, the 19th. I’m going to Sedona with my Mom and sister. It’s a research trip. Honest! You’ll see Sedona featured in Hers for the Evening, coming out probably spring or summer next year.

Okay, for this time, I’m going to ask everyone for their help. I’m working on a new website. You know, everyone’s got to update. And I want to write a new bio. But I’m totally stumped on what to say. So, I thought I’d ask you guys. Maybe do a little Q&A. What would you like to know about the authors whose books you read? Although you guys already know everything this is to know about me since I blab so much on my blog!

Jasmine, Jennifer and JB! http://www.skullybuzz.com/ Newsletter: skullybuzz-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


  1. When reading an author’s bio I like to learn about what they like to do, or have as hobbies, or who their fav authors or books are that may have inspiried them in their career. I guess that is one of the things I like about the acknowledgement pages in books. Gives you more insight behind the story and the person who wrote it.

  2. When I read a bio I like to know where the author lives and about her family. I also love to know what their hobbies are and what they enjoy doing. Its like a get to know you thing. I enjoy reading the authors bio

  3. I won?! Thank you so much!

    As for the new bio…I agree with what the others have said so far. When I read about my favorite authors’ lives, it’s the mundane stuff I want to hear about: family, pets, hobbies, what they enjoy doing in their non-writing milliseconds. [grin]

    You’re amazing! Thanks again…

  4. I like to know about the author…the weird stuff..like pets, what hobbies they enjoy and their families.

    And please, make it more than three sentences!!

    I always read the author's bio and hate it when it's only a few sentences…You've just written a 200 page book or whatever…You can write a paragraph or two! 🙂

    Love you Jasmine! I'm reading "Show & Tell" as soon as I sign off the computer tonight. 🙂 Bought it off of Amazon and ready for awesomeness!

    Have fun on vacation!

  5. Great, thank you, ladies! I will be sure to make the bio more than 3 sentences, promise. Pets, hobbies, family!

    Yes, Rosemary, you won!!! The book is on the way. Whew, I finished sending out all my promotion materials for Fair Game.

    I hope you love Show and Tell, Rachel, because Fair Game continues the story!!!

  6. Hi, I would like to see an authors hobbies. Also, if you are involved in any charity organizations that we might want to donate to, give a link and details!

  7. Hi JasmineWhen I visit author web pages I love to know about the books they like to read and what other interests they have and movies they enjoy the things that got them writing generally I like to get to “know” the author. I also like fun stories about them.—————Have FunHelen

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