Our favorite Books

Congratulations to Martha E, you are the winner of the women’s fiction duo by Elizabeth Flock and Karen White! I’ll be contacting you for your snail mail address (or you can email me on skully at skullybuzz dot com if you see this first) and mailing out your prize!
This week I’ve got a couple of historicals, A Lady’s Guide to Rakes by Kathryn Caskie and Lord of Seduction by Nicole Jordan. Historicals have always been my favorite, I still remember waiting with bated breath for Shanna by Kathleen Woodiwiss to come out and Laurie McBain’s Moonstruck Madness. So, post a comment, (you must type in your email address) and I’ll enter you in the drawing. I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on all the fun stuff and releases, too. I’ll announce the winner on the next blog! Good luck! As we discussed in last week’s blog, I’ve got lots of writing goals for 2009, and I’ve made a big decision that I hope you will all be okay with. In order to make my goals, I need to cut back on a few other things. So, I’d like to start doing the blog every other week. I hope you all approve. So for January, I’ll be up on the 12th and Jan 26th. Oh, and I’ll be doing the “tote blog” on Jan 8th. You’ll still have lots of chances to win and I hope you’ll understand my decision.
Talking about my favorite historicals made me think about many of the books that I loved when I was younger, the ones that stuck in my mind, my collectibles. Unfortunately, when I moved out on my own I decided I couldn’t take them all with me, and really where was I going to keep them in my dinky apartment. So, poor Kathlesn and Laurie went to the thrift store (I would NEVER just throw them out). Of course, I now regret that. I actually comb thrift stores for those old books I loved. I have Kathleen’s Woodiwiss’s The Wolf and The Dove and The Flame and the Flower. I found Laurie McBain’s Tears of Gold, and it was autographed! There was Leigh Nichols’ Key to Midnight. I read that in college and it was one of the best romantic suspense novels I’ve ever read. And I didn’t realize that was Dean Koontz’s pseudonym until much later. Oh, and my favorite time travel was The Mirror by Marlys Millhiser. I have to admit that I’m leery of reading them again. Sometimes you love something because of the person you were when you read it. I have another of Marlys Millhiser’s books, an amnesia story called Michael’s Wife. I remember loving that book, and when I found it again, I read it rabidly. And I didn’t get the “kick.” If you’re a rabid reader, you’ll know what I mean by that. So sometimes, it’s just nice to collect them, to have them, and to remember how I felt when I read them the first time.
I’d love to hear what your favorite books were. And if you still have them. If you still read them again and again.
Happy New Year!
Jasmine, Jennifer and JB! http://www.skullybuzz.com/ Newsletter: skullybuzz-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
One of my favorite books is Gone With The Wind, but I don’t have it anymore. I do have all of Constance O’Banyon’s books stored in my closet. I do reread sometimes. She has a new one coming out this week. I am a big historical buff. Its my favorite type of read. I also have a couple of Kathleene Woodiwiss’s books that I have been meaning to read but haven’t gotten to. I have books stored all over my house, my sister calls me the library. I do love my books.
I never reread books on purpose.
My favorites are by Nora
Roberts, Janet Evanovitch, Linda Lael Miller, and Debbie Macomber.
Debbie Macomber’s Christmas stories
Sandra Brown’s Texas Trilogy
Try those Woodiwiss books, Virginia! I do actually think I have a couple that I haven’t read, too.
Great choices, Estella! And Robyn, you like Debbie’s too. And ooh, I’ve got to agree on the Texas trilogy!
I did the same thing as you did! Got rid of tons of my favorite books and authors, because I was sure there couldn’t possibly be enough room for all of them in my small home…and have spent the last 17 years trying (with minimal success, not to mention paying…AGAIN!) to get them back! Ahh! I’m waiting for the day I find one that has my name or initials in the front.
Deciding on my favorites is a tough one. I’ve loved books since my grandmother read to me as a baby and still have one of my first books called Too Many Kittens by Mabel Watts.
Also on my keeper shelf is Loveswept #1 Heaven’s Price by Sandra Brown. Though I’d read YA romance for several years prior, it was at the age of not quite 15 that I snagged this one from my mom’s shelf and never looked back! Hmm, what else?
Ooh, several trilogies: Elizabeth Lowell’s Medieval, Laura Parker’s Rose and Nora Roberts’ Three Sisters Island.
Of course, there are other genres that grab hold as well: Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code (let’s get moving on The Solomon Key, for god’s sake!), Orson Scott Card’s Lost Boys (for the sheer creepiness), and Alice Blanchard’s Darkness Peering and Breathless simply scared the hell out of me.
Also on my keeper shelf (among all of your other books) is The Fortune Hunter…perhaps you’ve heard me mention it. [grin] Connor and Faith changed me…as a reader and, most especially, as a writer. Thank you again.
Okay, as usual, I’ve written WAY too much on your blog. Love ya Jenn!
LOL! It really didn’t look like that much when I was writing it! Sorry…delete it if you want.
You can never say too much on my blog, Rita! And you’re so wonderful for putting The Fortune Hunter in there as one of the favs.
The Orson Scott Card book, Lost Boys, did they make the movie from that book? The Lost Boys with Kiefer Sutherland was filmed right here in Santa Cruz. I love watching it just for that. There was also a Clint Eastwood film done here. It shows the carousel at the Boardwalk and there’s a unicorn. I said to my husband, “There’s no unicorn on that merrigoround, so someone is going to get killed by that unicorn horn!” Spoiler alert, I was right!
The movie Lost Boys (though I’ve never seen it) is about vampire, isn’t it? I don’t think the OSC book was made into a movie.
Also, Alice Blanchard’s book is Breathtaker, not Breathless, just in case anyone was interesting in reading a really great thriller.
Great prediction on the CE movie! You’re good at that though.
Oh, I had a ton of books like that when I was younger. I ended up giving a lot of them to the local senior center when I decided I need to clean out my book shelves to make room for new books. The one from that time that stands about the most was a Harlequin Historical called Darling Jack where both the hero and heroine worked for the Pinkerton agency. I now have it on a list of books I am looking to get again so I can put it on my keeper shelf.
Hi Jas, I love historicals and they were the only romance books that I would read years ago. My first in high school was Wuthering Heights, but I was into Ray Bradbury, Dean Koontz, and Stephen King back then. Many years later my Daughter had to do a book report on a Jane Austen book so I bought them all and after reading them (I enjoyed them a lot more than my daughter,lol) I had to get the Bronte Sisters books as well. Reading Wuthering Heights again was better for me because I understood it more. Jane Eyre was so much better than the movie version. So I was hooked on Historicals after that. Then one day my Sister gave me Kiss of the Highlander by Karen Marie Moning. It mixed a Historical with time travel. I loved it so much. From there I started reading Paranormal now I read all genres and it’s because of a Historical adding a bit of another genre. I get every Historical release from Bertrice Small because of the wonderful way she mixes fact with fiction. I’ve heard of Nicole and Kathryn but have never read their books yet. I know theres never enough time for everything so I understand you cutting back and it will in long run benefit us because we will get to enjoy your future stories. Have a wonderful blessed new year, Dena
My favorite books are Julie Garwood’s historical romances. I really like Ransom
I LOVE historical romances, and quite a few are on my keeper shelf. Some of my favorites have been Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series, Loretta Chase’s Lord of Scoundrels, Linda Lael Miller’s McKettrick series, Lisa Kleypas’ Wallflowers series, Julie Garwood’s Ransom, and Jodi Thomas’ Tall,Dark,and Texan.
I could make a long list of favorite contemporaries, too. I just love to read!!
I just reread one of my favorites which is By Arrangement by Madeline Hunter.
I'll have to check out OSC's Lost Boys, Rita! And Breathtaker.
Who wrote Darling Jack, Karin? I'll look for you, if I ever see it at a thrift as I'm combing for one of my favs! Isn't it a great treasure if you find one off your list?
Thank you, Dena, for understanding on my cutting back to twice a month on the blog. My creative juices are already flowing! So many stories to write! Like you, I loved the historicals mixed with a bit of paranormal. I remember Johanna Lindsay doing a couple "space romps." And I really did think they were fun. But I cut my teeth on Wuthering Height, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice. You're right, the movies just don't do them justice. Although I have to say that the A&E production of Jane Eyre with Timothy Dalton as Mr. Rochester is absolutely wonderful. I actually splurged and got the boxed set on DVD!
Ooh, ooh, Debby and Cheri, I have Julie Garwood's Ransom and haven't read iot yet! I found it at the thrift store along with The Secret. I love Jodi Thomas, too.
Madeline Hunter is great, too Maureen. Oh my goodness, so many books to add to my list!
I came late to romance, not reading it until I was in my 40’s, so I don’t have any old favorites. The first romance I read (not counting classics like Jane Austen’s books) is still one of my favorites–Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
I’ve been discovering some wonderful historical writers, like Loretta Chase, Elizabeth Hoyt, Julie Anne Long, Julia Quinn, Sophia Nash and many more.
Whenever I think of “old” books that were among the first I remember reading, ‘Flowers in the Attic’ by VC Andrews always comes to mind. I must have read that book a dozen times back in the day (lol). It was so naughty, and so very different from any of the books I had read until then (“then” being Jr. High or so). I haven’t re-read it lately, but I’m guessing it won’t hold quite the appeal it used to. It won’t have that “kick”, I’m sure. I was on what I’d call a reading hiatus for a number of years, during and after college. I didn’t read for pleasure very much because I had done so much required reading that reading just wasn’t fun anymore. Then when I was pregnant a few years ago I started reading L.K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake series, and I’ve been a hopeless romance addict ever since. Now with so many fantastic books at my disposal (yes, I have an Amazon Prime membership – love that free shipping!) I don’t re-read books anymore. Lots of books on my keeper shelves, though!~Lindy
I loved reading Kathleen Woodiwiss’ books too. I have several of them. Some of my favorite authors to reread are Lisa Kleypas, Julia Quinn, Kat Martin and Nicole Jordan.
Oh yes, Cynthya! Outlander. That was so good. I still have my copy, never did get rid of that because it was hardback. And I’m going to have to give it another go one of these days.
Lindy, oh my God, Flowers in the Attic, yes! It was so taboo. I do agree, though, that it might not stand the test of time. And I became an instant Anita addict, too. And those I still have. Although I must admit that the last 3 or so, I haven’t gotten into as much as the first 8, up through Blue Moon, I think.
Yep, Crystal, Kathleen Woodiwiss. Sigh. I loved her stuff. I do remember paying big bucks (at that time) for Shanna. I couldn’t wait to read it.
My first romance book was Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, the cover is falling off but I won’t replace it! I loved that book for introducing me to a whole new set of books in the library, some early loves were SEP, Julie Garwood, Judith McNaught. In an effort to save me money I have a 3 times read rule before I purchase any book only about 5 books a year make me disregard this rule. Last year you made me do it twice and I just read the excerpt for Fair Game and I see it’s gonna happen again!!
I’ve heard of the Jane Eyre with Timothy Dalton somewhere else I can’t remember and now you mention it, so I’m going to check it out. thanks Jas.
Oh Marti, you’re such a doll, thank you! And I’m bringing two ARCs of Fair Game to the readers group tonight. Maybe patti and Ellen will share! I love SEP, too!
Yes, Dena, check out Timothy Dalton as Mr. Rochester. The last time I watched it, I had to give a big speech that evening. I was so nervous, sick to my stomach. So I watched the whole series. it was so good it kept my mind off the speech! I hope you like it just as much.
Some of my favourite books this is going to be hard I have read and loved all of Kathleen Woodiwiss and have them all as well as Johanna Lindsey’s Shirlee Busbee is another author that I love and I cannot part with any of their books. I could go on forever I have been reading histricals for over 30 years and have read some fantastic books.
Have Fun
I’ve been reading them for over 30 years, too, Helen! Kathleen Woodiwiss was probably my first. Then Laurie McBain. Oh, but wait, I loved Victoria Holt, Phyllis Whitney and Mary Stewart even before that! There are just too many!
I’ve sort of been the same way about the Anita series, though maybe not for the same reasons so many other people are turned off. I don’t mind the gratuitous sex, but Anita has become a total biatch and she annoys me.
OK, so the moment of truth… Have you ever seen the movie they made of Flowers In The Attic? OMG, it was HORRIBLE! Worse than bad!
Gratuitous sex is fine, but I could no longer focus on who was the love interest for Anita. I loved the triangle in the beginning books, but then all the guys just made the books lose the charm for me.
And omg, yes, Lindy, the movie Flowers in the Attic was terrible! I just think that story is better in book form.
I don’t know why I’m up so early on a Saturday. But I’m pitching the Max series to a New York publisher today, so wish me luck!
I also love historicals! I keep all of my books, so I always have my favorites close by when I want to reread them. Some of my favorites are: The Prize by Brenda Joyce, The Devil’s Waltz by Anne Stuart and Whitney my Love by Judith McNaught.
Great choices, Marie! I love Ann Stuart’s contemporaries, too. And I really liked the Francesca Cahill series from Brenda Joyce.
All right, ladies, off to draw my winner! Thanks for stopping by.
And Marti, it was great to see you yesterday at the signing!
Okay .. I’m a little behind. Didn’t realize that you had a blog. LOL!!
I just had to ask .. Have you read Kathleen’s Petals on the River. OMG! I so love that novel, I’ve read it so many times. I see that you are giving away Lord of Desire by Paula Quinn. That was my fav romance of 2005. I know the lucky winner will enjoy it.
Take Care
I did read Petals on the Wind, Terra. It’s so hard to decide which is my favorite Kathleen Woodiwiss. She was such a wonderful writer.
And yep, Paula Quinn’s Lord of Desire is for my next blog giveaway! i’m so glad you loved it, too. But do come over to the current blog, leave your email and I’ll enter you for the Lori Devoti book.
Well you are certainly becoming one of my fav writers, thank you! I find myself gifting your work to good friends. Thanks for the tip on Keys to Midnight, I love Dean Koontz and didn’t realize those gems might be out there. Just the mention of Shanna always makes me a bit breathless.. and such a gorgeous cover!