Make Me New York Times and USA Today bestselling!

Make Me

We did it! Thanks to everyone for supporting me and my fellow authors of Make Me. You helped us put Make Me on the New York Times E-Book Bestseller list @ #16 and on the USA Today at #48! We beat out Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham! Woohoo! Thank you! If you haven’t already picked up your copy, just remember the anthology will only be available until the end of the month. 2000 pages of hot, dark, sexy reading for only $2.99! Purchased separately, these stories would cost over $40. Make Me is available on Amazon, Amazon UK, B&N, and iBooks

Cover of Invitation to Seduction by New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jasmine Haynes - Open Invitation, Book I

To celebrate becoming a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, I’m giving away Invitation to Seduction, Open Invitation Book 1, for free! Find it on Amazon iBooks BN, Kobo, Smashwords, and ARE!

Let’s see, what else to tell you! Teach Me a Lesson received a great 4-star review in RT: This erotic delight balances titillating kink with a naughty romance.” Isn’t that great! Teach Me a Lesson is available for preorder on Amazon BN and iBooks But here’s a chance to get the book for free. My publisher is sponsoring a Goodreads giveaway for 15 copies of Teach Me a Lesson through 3/27. Be sure to enter! My friend Eden Bradley also has a new release on April 1, so don’t miss her Goodreads giveaway for Dangerously Bound! Her giveaway ends earlier than mine on 3/23, so get your name in now for 1 of 20 copies! I’ve got my entry in!

Cover of Teach me a Lesson

And here’s another chance to win a copy of Teach Me a Lesson! Stop by Karin Tabke’s Facebook release party for her Katrina Chronicles! Here’s lineup of her guest authors: Roxanne St. Claire, Jennifer Lyon, Jasmine Haynes, Tawny Weber, Josie Brown, Virna De Paul and Sylvia Day! Wow, you can beat that! So stop by tomorrow, 3/18, between 4 pm and 7 pm PST. I’ll be up at 5:45 PST.

Coffee Time Romance is putting on that St. Patrick Day’s sale for the month of March! Incidentally, Revenge is free on Coffee Time because I keep forgetting to go in and change it. So take advantage of my forgetfulness!

I’ve saved the best for last! Here’s our new addition to the family. Wrigley is 7 months old and a lovable little nuisance. She’s the apple of her Daddy’s eye!

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