Here’s your Invitation to Pleasure!

cover of Invitation to Pleasure

Happy Holidays! Did you get all your holiday shopping done on Black Friday?! I did go to the stores, and made some purchases, but I’ve still got so much more to buy! Whew, the holidays are a busy time. But I’ve got some fun things to tell you about today.

For the whole month of December, stop by the 69 Shades of Smut Blog for a month of holiday giveaways! Wed, 12/6, I’m up, offering a drawing for a copy of Invitation to Seduction. So stop on by! I also want to invite you back next week for my special guest Jay Morgan! Read more at

For the holidays, Revenge Sex, West Coast Book 1 is be free! I’m trying to price-match it on Amazon, but they haven’t dropped it to free yet. And hopefully by the end of the week, it will be up for free on Nook. In the meantime, you can find it on Kobo Smashwords All Romance and iBookstore. Next, I’ve discounted Twisted by Love, Reincarnation Tales 1, also for the holidays! If you haven’t read it, here’s where you can find it at the discounted price. Kindle Kindle UK Nook Nook UK Kobo iBookstore All Romance Smashwords. And now, for your reading pleasure, I’ve released the second book from the Open Invitation anthology, Invitation to Pleasure, with another sexy, classy cover by Rae Monet. As I’ve told you all before, I’m proud that the book won the Holt Medallion in 2006, a very prestigious prize. Last blog, I gave you an excerpt from Debbie’s story, Invitation to Seduction. Hopefully you’ll recall elegantly dressed Virginia from that excerpt. It was her bachelorette party the three friends (which included Stacy from the upcoming Invitation to Passion) attended at, yes, a sex club! After writing Debbie’s story, I made myself totally curious about why Virginia would have a bachelorette party at such a venue. And why she’d did what she did there. You don’t have to read Invitation to Seduction to find out what she did. I’ll tell you in her story as well. I really loved writing about a married couple. We skip all the dating and the evolution of the marriage proposal, but the real romancing doesn’t start until after they married. So let’s get started with a blurb, then the excerpt! Here’s your invitation to The Sex Club, elegant, classy, sexy, every woman’s fantasy, every man’s desire… Virginia Hansen sees herself as a three-time loser in marriage, each time confusing the passion and lust of immediate attraction for lasting love, with disastrous results. For her fourth trip down the aisle, she demands stability and companionship, without passion or lust clouding her judgment. But Virginia will soon discover that trying to harness her deep-seated sexual needs is like trying to tell a raindrop not to fall. Buried inside, Virginia has overpowering desires and the need for a man’s seduction to turn her inside out. When she begins craving seduction from her new husband, her carefully constructed, stable world might very fall apart. Brett Branoff has finally found the right woman. Everything in his life is about his career, even down to his choice of wife, and Virginia has the same needs and goals as he does. He’s willing to bank his sexual desires and forgo the bedroom fireworks to accommodate the perfect, self-assured, even-tempered wife. But when Brett uncovers the hidden wanton beneath Virginia’s elegant business suits, everything he thought he wanted pales in comparison to his newfound desires. Brett soon discovers that perfunctory sex once a week isn’t enough to satisfy him, not when he knows that Virginia is capable of so much more. Now he plans on sending his wife an invitation to pleasure she simply can’t refuse.

Invitation to Pleasure

Open Invitation, Book 2

Copyright 2012 Jasmine Haynes

He was on fire, aching with an unbearable need he couldn’t quench. But he didn’t touch himself. When he came, he wanted her to be watching.

For now, all he could do was clench a fist on the window’s sill and drink in the sight of her, the scent of her sweet come, the echo of her passion ringing in his ears.

She’d touched herself in every imaginable position. Her juices on the bed, coating her thighs, shimmering on her fingers.

He’d seen a lot of things, done a lot of things, but this was new. This was an abandon he’d never before witnessed, never before worshipped. She played her body like a maestro. She knew how to bring herself to the brink and not go off, how to keep herself rising and falling until the inevitable orgasm shot her into the heavens. He’d thought about taking her, shoving his cock deep inside her as she knelt before him on the bed. She’d teased every man in the room with that ass as she’d fucked herself with her fingers. Rules be damned, he’d almost gone in there and taken her. Earlier in the evening he might have done just that without a second thought.

The last half hour had changed his strategy. There was so much more beneath her elegant business suit than he’d imagined. So much passion he’d never dreamed she possessed. He would have that woman. He would give her unimaginable pleasure.

And that would take a foolproof plan to get her to reveal her inner self completely to him.

Brett Branoff eased back from the window, fading into the shadows along the wall, and left the room. When he’d decided to follow her, it was to find out why his serene, ladylike, not particularly sexual fiancé had chosen The Sex Club as the party place for her final unmarried night, a fact he’d inadvertently stumbled upon. He wasn’t a jealous man in the main, but he had to admit to a certain inexplicable tension riding him until he realized her rendezvous was with herself. Now, he wanted to learn more about Virginia’s deepest desires. She liked to watch. More, she liked to be watched, something that appealed to his sexual nature. He’d unearthed something so much more intriguing than he’d ever expected.

Tomorrow, he would make Virginia Hansen his wife.

Then he’d find a way to release the woman he’d discovered at The Sex Club.

So there’s your introduction to Virginia’s husband-to-be! Believe me, Brett has some very erotic things in mind for his bride. You can find Invitation to Pleasure on Kindle Nook Smashwords and All Romance. The other venues are currently processing, but will be up soon.

And if you missed Book 1 in the series, Invitation to Seduction is available on Kindle Kindle UK Kobo Nook All Romance and Smashwords. I plan on having Invitation to Passion (Stacy’s story) out by Christmas. My DH is going to proof and format it for me! What a guy!


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