Happy Holidays!

Christmas tree

For the first time in about five years, I actually bought a Christmas tree! And even decorated it! And I’m having the whole family over for Christmas Day. Usually we do it at my sister’s house, but I made the executive decision to have it at my house this time instead of making her do all the work. I love having everyone over, but, a little secret just between you and me, it’s also a really good way to force myself to do the spring cleaning I didn’t get to last Spring! Here’s a photo of my tiny tree (with flash and without so you can see the lights). Having such a small tree is great because it makes it look like there are so many Christmas presents under there, when in actuality, we have a $20 limit per person. But let me tell you, when you think small, you can get a ton of stuff for $20!

Christmas tree at night

We’re going to have the traditional English dinner that I remember from when I was a child: roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, with roasted potatoes and cauliflower in cheese sauce. The last time we made it at my house, my mother accidentally unscrewed the blender incorrectly and dumped the Yorkshire mixture all over the floor. Poor dear, she was mortified! But we just made another batch, and the Yorkshires were perfect. Now, for dessert, we’re going to have my mother’s very own special English trifle. Gosh, that stuff is good.

So, what is your traditional holiday like, whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever? Anyone doing anything fun and exciting for New Year’s?

Leave a comment and your contact e-mail address and I’ll enter you in the drawing for a copy of Barbara Freethy’s Suddenly One Summer. Barbara is a great writer, and in my local RWA chapter. I’ll announce the winner on my next blog, and I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates if you aren’t already a member. And congratulations to Deidre, winner of Tara Janzen’s Loose and Easy from my previous blog. Please email me on skully at skullybuzz dot com, Deidre, and I’ll get the book sent out to you!

Don’t forget to stop by and check out Dead to the Max and Mine Until Morning, Book 3 in my Courtesans Tales. Tomorrow (Dec 21) I’ll be blogging on Crystal’s Erotiblog, so pop over for a chance to win a copy of Yours for the Night, the first book in the Courtesans Tales.


  1. Roast beef sounds heavenly after so much turkey at Thanksgiving. Can I come? We, too are having the whole family together for Christmas. For New Year's we really haven't planned too much this year. May have friends over and watch the New Year celebration in Times Square on TV and eat lots of goodies.

  2. I love your little tree, Jas! We will have some of our family over for dinner and gift exchange. [grin] I can hardly wait to see my grandbabies opening their gifts.

    Dinner will include ham, scalloped potatoes, and green bean casserole. Dessert will be various cookies and brownies.

    [deep sigh] Then it will be over for another year.

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