
First of all, thanks to Crystal Kauffman for stopping by last week and giving us that great story!
It’s almost Halloween! And my favorite thing is to open the front door to all those little ghosts and goblins! Kids are so adorable. I love their costumes, and they get so excited when you tell them how pretty they are as a fairy or scary as a ghost. We live sort of out in the boonies and there are no street lamps, so we don’t get a lot of trick-or-treaters. Most of them go down to town where the stores stay open late and give away candy. But we do get a few brave neighbors, mostly dads bringing their young children around. Hah, you know, it really is Dad that does it the most, very few moms. I’ve never thought about that before! Gosh, when I was a kid, we’d never let DAD take us around! And there were sooooo many kids out there. Basically, the adults had to the man the door from dark until about 9:30 pm, never even closing it. And God forbid they should run out of candy! We’d carry a pillow case and usually had to run home at least once to empty it! Thanks to Rita for the costume photo!
If you have kids or grandkids, what are they wearing for Halloween this year? What is your fondest memory of Halloween as a kid?
Leave a comment and your contact e-mail address and I’ll enter you in the drawing for a copy of Proof by Seduction by Courtney Milan. I’ll announce the winner on my next blog, and I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates if you aren’t already a member. And congratulations to Rosemary, winner of Soul Song by Marjorie Lui from my previous blog. And you know I’ve already got your address, Rosemary, so I’ll get the book sent out to you as soon as I have a car again!
Don’t miss the excerpt on my website! Take Your Pick is available from Loose-Id. And coming, Dead to the Max will be in print within the next few days with a fresh new cover look and a text revamp!
Happy Tuesday, everyone!
My babies!!! Thanks for using the photo of my kids. Hard to believe this is nearly twenty years ago. Whoa.
Our daughter now has two little babies of her own. Our granddaughter (2 1/2 years) will be an adorable little ladybug, and our grandson (2 months) will be a tiny little frog. Too cute!!
My brother and I went as two characters from the original Planet of the Apes. It was probably around 1974, so we had the plastic masks with eye holes and one piece outfits that tied at the neck.
I don't think it's the costumes that make this such a happy memory. It's the innocence. I was six.
They're adorable! Thank you for letting me show off your babies!
And I love that you remember your costumes from Planet of the Apes! I would definitely agree that it's the innocence that makes these such fond memories.
“Courtney Milan’s Proof by Seduction is a delicious read from the first page all the way to the very satisfying ending. If you love historical romance, you must read this book.”—Elizabeth Hoyt, NYT Bestselling authorThis has definitely hooked me. I've recently discovered historical romances, and this sounds like just the book for me.As for Halloween, gee, my kids are young adults and no grandkids yet. So … MY fondest memory? I don't have "fond" memories, per se. I was only allowed to go with my brother when I was about 8 through 11 years of age. Never went when younger, as I had been sick as a child. I wore a hand-me-down costume (the same one) every one of those years. I believe it was a pirate costume, but I honestly can't remember. (There are no pictures.) It was over 40 years ago.Oh! I've got it! Fondest memory? Pouring all the goodies from my plastic pumpkin all over the living room floor! (Pillowcases weren't the rage yet way back then.)I too am looking forward to the little kiddies coming to our front door. Sometimes I get dressed up too; kids give me funny looks, mind you, but I find it fun. I have a mat I stick under our welcome mat so that a scary noise comes from our mailbox. Gotta love their reactions to that!
Yes, Laney, the book is a delicious read. And for historicals, I love Elizabeth Hoyt as well! If you haven't tried Anne Mallory, she's great, too!
LOL, I remember dumping the contents of the pillow case onto the living floor and pawing through all the goodies! I love the doormat idea! Bet the kids love the little scare!
LOL! I can't remember what I did last week much less my fondest Halloween memory. However, I ALWAYS had to dress up like a Native American.Hugs, JJ!Mel K.
Those sounds like such wonderful memories, Kirsten! Even the one about eating the candy until your stomach hurts! I used to do that, too!
I bet you were adorable in that costume, Mel!
My kids haven't decided what they will be this year. But last year one was a leprachaun and the other was an urban faery.
Last year's costumes sound so fun, Lil!
I lived in that costume, JJ. Now I'm proud to say I've studied Native Americans all my life and feel quite the affinity with them.
Mel K.
That's wonderful, Mel!
I think the only costume I ever had was a ghost or a pirate. Lived way out in the country ,so did not do much trick or treating.
Oh my GOD!!! I didn't even realize that I won from the last blog!! And I even read this one! It was the babies that distracted me. [grin]
Thank you SO much, Jas! What a wonderful surprise in my mailbox yesterday! You're the best!
Halloween for me is about reflection. Remembering the events that shaped our life during the past year — good and bad.
Happy Halloween, Jas!
Ghosts are fun, Estella! We used to just cut holes in old sheets, and away we'd go!
LOL, Rosemary, I didn't think you'd seen the bottom of the blog! So I'm glad it was a surprise.
Since we don't have Halloween in my country. i don't have any memories of it :(But still i want to read the Proof by Seduction by Courtney 🙂
LOL, Mariska, you don't have to have a Halloween memory to be in the drawing. All you have to do is leave a comment, so you're in! and thank you for stopping by!
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