Good News!

I want you, my loyal blog followers, to be the first to know I’ve got a new contract with Berkley Heat! Whoohoo! My editor wants me to write the next two books in my “DeKnight Trilogy.” I’m so excited, because I love all these characters. Of course, each book in the trilogy follows the story of a different hero and heroine, but they all center around a manufacturing company based in Silicon Valley that I’ve called DeKnight Inc. They are hugely emotional stories that deal with some of the worst things that can happen in a person’s life. How do you heal after tragedy? It’s all in the power of love, of course. The first book, Past Midnight, will be available next May. After Dark and After Hours are the two books in the new contract! Here’s a little blurb for Past Midnight to whet your appetite.
How far will they go….past midnight
Erin and Dominic DeKnight had the perfect life—until a devastating blow rocked their marriage to the core. Now they only reconnect after dark, when sleepless nights become hours of ecstasy as they soothe emotional pain with physical pleasure—but still wake up feeling distant and alone. Dominic refuses to give up on the relationship. To save their marriage, he sets up erotic adventures that take them far beyond the boundaries of both their comfort zones. As their love life moves from the privacy of their bedroom to public parties and sex retreats where anything is possible, will Dominic and Erin form a deeper bond…or will they lose it all?
Leave a comment and your contact e-mail address and I’ll enter you in the drawing for a copy of Soul Song by Marjorie Lui. I’ll announce the winner on my next blog, and I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates if you aren’t already a member. And congratulations to Mariska, winner of Ain’t She Sweet by Susan Elizabeth Phillips from my previous blog. Mariska, please e-mail me on skully at skullybuzz dot com with your snailmail and I’ll get the book sent out to you.

And here’s a heads up for my next Jasmine blog. I’ll be having special guest Crystal Kauffman on October 5th. She’ll be giving you an excerpt from a short story. If you follow her blog tour, you’ll be able to read the whole story!

Don’t miss the excerpt on my website! Take Your Pick is available from Loose-Id. And of course, Dead to the Max is available on Amazon Kindle and Smashwords with a fresh new cover look and a text revamp.
Congrats on your new contract!
kissinoak at frontier dot com
Thank you, Estella!
Glad to hear you are going to be providing me with more fixes for my addiction. I can't wait!
Thank you, Rory! And I can't wait to get started!
Congratulations on the new contract Jas!!! And this book sounds a-maz-ing!
Such fabulous news! I'm so excited to see a second and third book! Congratulations!!
that's excellent news ! congrats 🙂
i wish that i could own my first book of yours ! coz you are still a new for me author.
Thank you, Rosemary and Crystal! I think it's a very emotional story. And very hot!
Thank you, Mariska. I'm over at the "tote blog" once a month and I give away one of my own books over there. See the schedule on my blog page! I'll be blogging there this Tuesday, Oct 5th!