Courtesans Tales coming back to you!

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So now let me tell you all about the Courtesans Tales!
I recently got the rights back from Berkley for the three anthologies in the Courtesans Tales. So I’m bringing them to use with new covers, new blurbs, and putting each story out individually so you can enjoy them one at a time without having to buy 3 all at once! These are sexy stories all based the kinky fantasy some women may have: getting paid for sex (not that we’d ever actually do it!). Now, of course, if you did have that fantasy, you’d want a sexy, handsome, to-die-for guy, right! And all my heroes are to absolutely to die for! Mouthwatering. Not to mention smart, funny, successful, and rich! And make no mistake, these are sensual romances with the requisite HEA, though it might be a little unusual. They’re all stand-alone, but they’re connected by the elegant, classy agency “Courtesans.” Here’s a little bit about Courtesans.
A glitzy, sensual world of powerful people and the courtesans they’ll pay anything to have.
An exclusive and secret agency, for over two hundred years Courtesans has specialized in providing entertainment of a sexual nature. Its clients are rich, powerful, and influential men and women, and one only meets a courtesan through referral from trusted sources. Courtesans facilitates bringing together men and women to satisfy any sexual need imaginable, matching the perfect courtesan with just the right client. The agency prides itself on training its courtesans, male and female, to interpret and fulfill its client’s greatest fantasies, even the secret ones no one dares to say aloud. The price is high, but everyone who’s ever had the pleasure of a date with a courtesan will agree, the fantasy is worth every penny. And sometimes it changes your life.
Stories to make you blush…
To start, I’ve put the first three books up all at once, the rest to follow (9 tales in all) in coming months.

The Girlfriend Experience, Courtesans Tales Book 1
When a friend tells Marianna about life as a courtesan, Marianna wants it. Thrust into a world of powerful men, she holds all the power.
A widower, Chase seeks to ease his pain in insignificant relationships. Until he treats Marianna like his girlfriend rather than a courtesan.
Now Marianna learns that money doesn’t buy self-worth. And it’s the reason she’ll lose the man who is worth everything.
Payback, Courtesans Tales Book 2
When Dominique Lowe’s husband of 15 years divorces her for a younger model, she finds the perfect revenge. She becomes a courtesan, to show her husband she’s far more woman than he could handle.
High-priced, with even higher standards, when Gabriel Price refuses to pay her worth, he becomes the man she must have.
Now Dominique must learn that power doesn’t buy happiness, but love is worth everything.
Triple Play, Courtesans Tales Book 3
Can a three-time loser at marriage (and a courtesan) find love? When Noelle St. James finds Dax Deacon, the answer may very well be yes. If she can survive the sex games that Dax wants to play.
And here’s where you can these elegant, classy, kinky, erotic tales:
The Girlfriend Experience, Courtesans Tales Book 1
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Payback, Courtesans Tales Book 2
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Triple Play, Courtesans Tales Book 3
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Dead to the Max, Max Starr Series, Book 1 is free!
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She’s Gotta Be Mine is FREE! Try Book 1 of the Cottonmouth Series.
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Try Invitation to Seduction, the first book in the Open Invitation Triology for FREE!
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