Bonding with friends!

cover of Fair Game

Congratulations to Estella!

You are the winner of Cole’s Dark Needs at Night’s Edge, part of the “Immortals After Dark” series.

I’ll be contacting you for your snail mail address or you can email me at skully @ skullybuzz dot com.

Next up, I have a contemporary by Jodi Thomas, Twisted Creek.

I love her Texas historicals so it was really nice to see a contemporary, too.

To be eligible for the drawing, you must type in your email address.

I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on all the fun stuff and releases, too.

I’ll announce the winner on the July 12th blog!

Good luck!

July 12th.

Yes, that’s Sunday instead of the usual Monday.

I’m off to meet my critique partners for brainstorming and bonding!

We do this a couple of times a year.

It helps our creativity, of course, but it also does a great deal for us emotionally, all that bonding time.

I equate it to a bunch of guys getting together for a fishing or camping trip.

They’d never say they were “bonding” but that’s what they’re doing.

I have a friend who meets once a year with her college chums.

Lots of laughter, story-telling, catching up, commiserating if need be.

Another friend gets together once a year with her sisters and cousins, girls only.

They don’t bring their kids or husbands.

You can let your hair down, kick back, let it all out.

I love this idea.

It’s a mental health weekend, I think.

One comes back rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.


Do any of you have groups of friends you get together with regularly, not necessarily for a whole weekend or a getting-away trip, but even once a week or once a month for dinner or lunch.

Heh, sort of like the girls in Sex and the City!

Jasmine, Jennifer and JB! Newsletter:


  1. I get together with my older sister from time to time and we go out to lunch! This weekend my younger sister is coming in and cooking for the fourth. She will be at my older sister's house and I will go over there and spend the night. Yep a little party going on. Its nice just getting away from hubby and son for a while.

  2. I got together with some girlfriends last night, and I thought then that we just don't do this often enough. I have resolved to get us together more often because we had so much fun.Like you, I have read Jodi Thomas' historicals and loved them. I haven't read a contemporary by her though.

  3. I do get together with my best friend about every 4 months or so. She lives on the opposite coast from me or it would be much more often. We have known each other since we were four!

  4. Congrats Estella!Hi Jas, Thanks for asking about me. I am getting better from my original hospital stays, but now I'm dealing with another one health issue, ughhhh. I've heard of Jodi but I have never read any of her books. I didn't know she wrote any contemporary. Almost every summer me, my sister, and my two cousins who are sisters will go to Seattle for a Mariner game. We have let our kids come a couple of times in the past. Since my daughter is twenty now she is part of the group. Have fun and lots of bonding, and brainstorming Jas.

  5. I just started a book club with some friends and some family members and it is awesome! We meet once a month and after we talk about the book,it's a no holds bar girls night!It's so hard to get together with everyone so I came up with the book club and now we have a set date every month to just hang out.

  6. I admit this is something I don't do often enough. It's been over a year since I had a Getaway with my best friend. That is simply WAY too long! No excuses…gotta plan more of these.

  7. Dena, I'm sorry another health issue cropped up. My best to you on getting well. The Mariners game sounds great, and now your daughter is old enough to be a part of the gang! And thanks on my trip.

    I love the book club idea for you and friends, Rhonda. It does give you time to see everyone, plus you get to talk about books!

    And yes, Rita, I remember when you went, and it was a while ago. You have to plan another!

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