And just how is Monica going to Please Mr. Sutton??

cover of Pleasing Mr. Sutton

Thanks to Pamela Fryer for tagging me in the Character Blog Hop! A little explanation, the character blog hop consists of answering a few questions to let our readers know about the new characters we’ve got coming for you in the near future.

Here’s a little bit about Pam: USA Today bestselling author Pamela Fryer writes edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense that will leave you breathless. She lives in Northern California, but has never worn Birkenstock sandals. You can keep informed about new releases by signing up for her newsletter at

And you must stop by her character blog at Oh my gosh, I LOVE the sound of her new book Kiss Me Before Dawn. Fabulous title, cover, and Mystic is a great character. I’m dying to read the book when it comes out in September!

Okay, now for my character. In a couple of weeks, I’ll be putting out Pleasing Mr. Sutton, Book 5 in the West Coast series. I call the book BDSM lite. There’s a little spanking, tying up, and other naughty things, including a trip to a BDSM club (which I researched with a visit to a real club in San Francisco!). So I’ll let Monica tell you a bit more about herself.

cover of Pleasing Mr. Sutton

1) What is the name of your character? Is he/she fictional or a historic person?

I’m Monica Dawson, and I’m personal secretary to Mr. Sutton, chairman of the board. I’ve been attracted to him since I first starting working for him five years ago. I love authoritative, handsome older men, and Mr. Sutton is all that and more.

2) When and where is the story set?

Our offices are in San Francisco right in the heart of the financial district. And I live in SF, too, in a cute Victorian walk-up with my roommate Sean. He’s gay, by the way, and we’ve been BFFs since high school. But Mr. Sutton doesn’t know anything about Sean or even that I have a roommate. Somehow I’m not sure he’ll understand about my living with a man, even if he is gay.

3) What should we know about him/her?

I should probably admit that I’ll do just about anything to get Mr. Sutton to notice me. I’ll even become his submissive.

4) What is the main conflict? What messes up his/her life?

Okay, so here’s what’s got me really going. Mr. Sutton has just asked me to find him a new submissive. Remember, I am his PERSONAL secretary. And he often asks me to do things of a very personal nature, like buy sex toys for the women he dates. His submissives. But this is beyond the pale. I’ll be damned if I’ll find a woman for him. Especially since I know I’m perfect for the job. Of course, Sean tells me I’m a pathetic idiot, but I don’t care. I will not pass up this opportunity.

5) What is the personal goal of the character?

I’m not sure if I’m after love. I just want this fantasy I’ve had about Mr. Sutton to be real for a little while. I want to experience the things he can teach me. And yes, I’m titillated by the whole BDSM scene. Can pain be pleasure? All I want right now is to please Mr. Sutton. I want him to dress me for his pleasure, spank me, punish me, tie me up. I want to be his.

6) Is there a working title for this novel, and can we read more about it?

Here’s a blurb for Pleasing Mr. Sutton:

He has only one rule. She will do everything he says exactly when he tells her to do it.

Chairman of the board Rance Sutton is looking for a new playmate, an untried submissive he can train to do things his wicked way.

Miss Dawson, the chairman’s personal secretary, wants to get a lot more personal. What better way than becoming his new submissive? After all, she already does everything his way. So really, what’s a little spanking, flogging, handcuffing, and blindfolding if the payoff is Mr. Sutton in her bed? And that’s something she’s dreamed about for the entire five years she’s worked for him.

The problem? This will be no love affair. He will be her master. And she will be his slave. Miss Dawson’s desires aren’t part of the bargain; everything will be about pleasing Mr. Sutton…

7) When can we expect the book to be published?

Book 5 in the West Coast series will be released by Aug 27th. I love the cover! Here’s where you can find Revenge, West Coast Book 1: iBooks iBooks UK iBooks AU Kindle Kindle UK Nook Nook UK Kobo All Romance Smashwords Coffee Time Romance. You can learn all about the West Coast series on my website:

Up next on the Character Blog Hop (on Aug 25) is my good friend Kate Curran. I love her books, heart-warming stories about family. A little about Kate:

Author Kathy Coatney

My journey as a writer began when I turned 30, my youngest started kindergarten, and I went back to college. I took a class on fiction writing and the author was born—except it wasn’t a direct route to publishing my novels. I took a 20-year detour as a photojournalist specializing in agriculture. Twenty years later I published my first book, but it wasn’t the romance novel I’d anticipated—it was a children’s book. Three more children’s books have followed and now, finally, my romance novels.

Find her Character Blog Hop at

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Also joining the blog hop on Aug 25th is Jean Oram, a wonderful new friend I’ve made on Facebook.

Author Jean Oram

Jean Oram grew up in a small town in Alberta, Canada and her experiences have inspired her Blueberry Springs series. But while Jean grew up in an old schoolhouse tending to the family’s honeybee operation, her characters haven’t! Well, not yet, anyway. Her new series, the Summer Sisters, was inspired by her summers spent in the Canadian Muskokas where she would visit her grandmother in her century-old cottage. But while Jean’s characters fall in love with movie stars and millionaires, Jean found her husband in the Canadian far north. And he’s not a millionaire. Yet.

Jean loves to ski (downhill and cross-country), hike, camp, read, write, watch romantic comedies, and say random things like “Buckle your seatbelts, kids, Mama’s driving!” in order to make her kids crack up.

She lives in Canada with her husband, two kids, very large dog who sheds like she’s trying to clone herself, her cute cat that’s been nicknamed Nermil, as well as tons of nature. You can read, dream, laugh, and love along with Jean’s novels at You can also find her not quite over-sharing the crazy life of being an author in her new fan girl group at Come join the fun and vote for the sexiest heroes on earth.

Find her Character blog Hop at


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