69 Shades of Smut Contest!

Undone book cover

So last week I told you about my not-a-resolution to get health, which means increasing our walking rate to 20,000 per day which equates to 10 miles. And we’re succeeding so far! We actually started just before Christmas. Now my let’s-get-healthy husband has decided we should cut out meat and poultry! Okay, I’m game to try. We still get to eat fish, and I do love my salmon. And he said that occasionally we can go to our favorite restaurant, Don Quixote’s, and have the steak fajita. That reward is probably the only reason I’m going to be able to stick with it! So far we haven’t seen any weight loss, but there’s time for that. And I know my good friend Rosemary Gunn has cut out meat, poultry, and I think fish as well, and she’s doing great. She’s given me some really good recipe ideas. So I’ll keep you informed how our new habits are working.

Undone book cover

So I’ve got to tell you about the fabulous contest we’re running at 69 Shades of Smut. First, you can pop over to my 69 Shades blog post from Jan 6 and read a new and different sexy excerpt of Undone. (Undone is available on Amazon B&N Kobo iBookstore All Romance). And while you’re there, be sure to click on the link to follow our blog. Here’s why! We’re entering all our blog followers (current followers as well as new followers) in our contest for a $200 gift certificate you can use to buy a Kindle Fire or Nook HD, or lots of deliciously smutty books if you’ve already got the device you want. The contest ends on Jan 31, so be sure to follow us before then! Just pop over to the 69 Shades of Smut and you can get the complete details there. Good luck to everyone!

Don’t forget that Revenge Sex, West Coast Book 1 is free for the holidays! Here’s all the places you can find it free right now: Amazon Kobo Smashwords All Romance and iBookstore. Feel free to share with all your friends!

And Happy New Year!


  1. We were totally vegan for about two and a half months. Rog eats fish … as well as the occasional pepperoni on a pizza. We eat cheese sparingly and other dairy too. I would say that I lean heavily toward the vegan end of the vegetarian spectrum … but I'm definitely vegetarian rather than full vegan.

    Still very proud of you both!

  2. Hey Jas
    we've been basically vegan for almost a year now- since my husband's heart attack last Feb… for good science plus great recipes read "How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" by Dr Esselystyn (of the Cleveland Clinic) and The China Study by Dr Campbell- I got both 2nd hand on Amazon for less than $10 each after I'd read the library copies- anyway lots of REALLY good food ideas- On Christmas we decided to cheat and roast a turkey breast- at the end of the meal the whole family agreed that we didn't feel it particularly added anything to our meal and would skip it next time- that's such a change of taste without really even trying- SO that's us being vegan- no face/no mother… The 3 guys in the house lost over 100 lbs among them in the first 6 months or so with no change in lifestyle except the diet… Will be watching- love your writing you know- take care and Happy New Year, Maribeth

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