Who wants The Other Man!

Cover of The Other Man

Hi everyone! The Other Man is out, woohoo!

First thought, here are links to the 10/29 podcast for After Dark Radio with Ande Lyons! If you didn’t get a chance to listen to our interview, please take advantage of the free podcast. We had so much fun! Ande Lyons is a great host. So give the podcast a try! You might be surprised what you learn about me! The podcast can be found on Bring Back Desire, Blog Talk Radio, and iTunes.

Also, for those of you in the San Francisco Bay Area, my friend Shelley Adina/Adina Senft will be signing our latest releases at Village House of Books in Los Gatos Wed, Nov 6 at 7 PM. Shelley will be doing an Amish makeover of one audience member, and I will do a reading from The Naughty Corner. LOL, can I find something that’s not explicit?? Why yes, I think I can! You can find the address and phone number at http://villagehouseofbooks.com/. I hope you’ll drop by if you’re in the area!

And now to The Other Man! This is the 4th book in the West Coast series. But wait, one more thing! To celebrate the release, I’ll be giving away 5 ebook copies of Submitting to the Boss, Book 2! Leave a comment AND your email address (so that I can contact you if you win) on the blog to be entered in that giveaway. Revenge, Book 1, is also free right now, so be sure to get your copy! Details at the end of the blog!

For those of you who read The Boss’s Daughter, you’ll remember Spencer Benedict. After writing that book, I was dying to find out what Spence was up to. In fact, the tagline for his book came to me before I’d even finished writing The Boss’s Daughter. Here it is!

For every hotwife and her husband, there’s always the other man.

And Spencer Benedict is the perfect other man.

Until he meets the woman for whom he wants to be the only man.

When I first started thinking about Spence and The Other Man, I envisioned giving readers the other side of the hotwifing coin, what it’s like to be the other guy in a three-way relationship. Can it work? Or will someone eventually get jealous? Or possessive? And Spence is such an easy-going guy, but in this situation, how will he react? He’s got a backstory that plays into who he is (don’t we all, LOL!), so at first it seems like he’ll be absolutely perfect as a third. So it was fun writing this story, learning more about Spence. And the kind of woman he would fall for. Thanks to Rae Monet for the great cover! Here’s a blurb and an excerpt for you to enjoy.

Zoe Hudson has a most unusual marriage: she plays while she’s away on business, and her husband is dying to hear all about her naughty activities when she returns home. It’s certainly an unconventional arrangement, but it works perfectly for them. Until Zoe meets Spencer Benedict and a five-day liaison away from home turns into something more. Should she risk making Spence her full-time other man? If she does, her husband will want to know every naughty detail. He’ll probably want to watch, maybe even participate.

Can a hotwife satisfy both men in her life? Or will this other man spell disaster?

The Other Man

Copyright 2013 Jasmine Haynes

Shoving the outer door open, he stepped into the sultry heat of the night. As he crossed the courtyard to the promenade along the beach, a light breeze picked up, toning down the humidity. He strolled to the low wall and stood, hands in pockets as the waves crashed on the shore. It was summer, school was already out in most places, and the walkway was crowded with teenagers, families, couples. His footwear wasn’t appropriate—street shoes—but he headed down the stone steps to the beach. Heat rose from sand that had been baking in the sun all day, but down at the edge of the water, a cool breeze blew off the ocean. And above the scents of sea and salt and lingering suntan lotion, he smelled her flowery perfume as if it had stuck in his head.

But the voice wasn’t a trick of his imagination.

“It’s a gorgeous night, but I’m not used to this heat.” Her tone was husky, low, sexy. She held a paper fan in her hand, stirring the air around her, blowing her scent over him. Her high heels dangled from her fingers. She looked at him, wrinkling her nose. “It was getting terribly stuffy in there.”

“Yes,” he agreed. They weren’t alone on the beach, but the ceaseless beat of the ocean waves cocooned them.

“You were on my plane, weren’t you?” she asked. “From San Francisco?”

He nodded. Obviously he’d been caught staring, but he hadn’t noticed her giving him a single glance.

“We’re just not used to this humidity.” She groaned, fanned herself more vigorously.

“Just wait till there’s a thunderstorm. It gets worse.” He’d been to Florida before, of course. Rain didn’t cool things off; it simply turned everything into steam.

“It was only eighty-nine degrees today.” She gathered her hair, twisted it in a rope around her hand, and held it up off her neck. “Back home that would have been bearable.”

His blood drummed in his ears. He had a near uncontrollable urge to lick the salt from her nape. Did she know she was driving him crazy? He wanted to bend all his rules. He wanted to admit he didn’t have any where she was concerned. That’s what seven hours of watching her had done to him.

“It’ll cool off in a bit. Seventy maybe.” The steadiness of his voice surprised him.

“Thank goodness. I wanted to take my walk on the beach in the morning.”

He wanted to ask her what time. Or maybe she’d simply tell him. Because she’d definitely followed him. And he wanted to see her out on the beach in the early morning light.

“I better turn in,” she said. “I have to call home, let my husband know I arrived safely. And we’ve got a full day tomorrow.” She smiled, backed up a step. “Good night.”

He returned the smile, then watched her walk up the beach to the stairs. She didn’t put her shoes back on.

He dreamed of her in the night. He came imagining her mouth on him. But he hadn’t even asked her name.

* * * *

After climbing the steps, she crossed the square to the fountain, the concrete still warm against her bare feet. The man was a dark outline against the night sky.

She’d seen him watching her on the plane, felt him following her after they’d arrived and made their way to baggage claim. As she sipped champagne at the mixer, his gaze had heated her. Talking to him on the beach had been her opening gambit, and she’d been wet with anticipation.

Her phone rang. This late, it could only be her husband.

“Hey, sweetie, how was the flight?”

“Great,” she told him.

“So, have we found any possibilities?”

Oh, she certainly had. “One. He’s going to take a little bit of work. But I’m not in a hurry.” She was going to let the man think about why she’d been down on that beach beside him. Why she’d spoken to him. By tomorrow, he should be more than ready.

Keith groaned. “Does that mean I’m not going to get my hot and sexy phone call tonight before I go to bed?”

She laughed softly. “Not tonight. Tomorrow.”

“Promise, sweetie?”

“I promise.”

Approaching a man she was interested in was the hardest part. Every time she did, her nerves rising, she had to wonder if she was doing it for herself, or because it was what Keith wanted, because imagining her with other men was how he got excited.

This time she didn’t wonder. This time was for her.

You can find The Other Man on iBooks iBooks UK iBooks AU Nook Kobo Kindle Kindle UK Smashwords Coffee Time All Romance

Here’s where you can get your free copy of Revenge, West Coast Book 1: iBooks iBooks UK iBooks AU Kindle Kindle UK Nook Kobo All Romance Smashwords Coffee Time.

If you haven’t already enjoyed The Naughty Corner, here’s where you can get your copy today! Amazon B&N Books a Million iBooks

Don’t forget to leave a comment AND your email address (so that I can contact you if you win) to be entered to win one of five e-copies of Submitting to the Boss, Book 2! If you’ve already got that one, I’m sure we can work something out.


  1. SAUCY! JJ, I can't come to the signing so you come to Austin and sign my boobie for me, OK? ;-)Thank you for the free copy of REVENGE. I look forward to reading "Submitting to the Boss". Though I was never the submissive…… *grin* Have a spankingly wonderful day! XOXOMel K.

  2. Congrats on the new release. People get into this type of relationship for a variety of reasons, so I guess they can work. I think I'd get jealous though.

  3. LOL, Mel, wish I could come out to Austin! If I'm ever there, I'll be sure to sign you boobie! You do make me laugh! Love ya!

    Thanks, Anne. I agree with you, I think I would be too jealous to get myself involved with that kind of relationship! But it's fun to write about, that's for sure!

    I'm so glad you're loving the series, Kellee! Who knew, hotwifing! I accidentally typed hotwiring, and maybe that says something!

    Yes, Jane, it's finally here! Sorry for the long wait, but I had to write my Berkley books first!

    Thanks to everyone for stopping by!

  4. I am familiar with the concept of hotwifing, but until I encountered your books I did not realize it was a generally accepted sexual subculture identity. Your books definitely up the ante in the erotica genre. Your fearlessness in exploring all manner of erotic topics in your fiction has won me over. I would love to enter your contest for the free copy of book 2 of the hotwifing series and my email address is —————. Thanks for giving erotica such an intellectual, literary spin!

  5. Thank you, Alta, that's so kind of you to say! I also have to admit I didn't know what I was writing even had a name until a couple of fans emailed me about it. I was writing the courtesans series, and I figured that a courtesan was going to have to be with more than one man! There are blogs out there of couples who share their experiences about it. Who knew!? Thanks for stopping by!

  6. As you've probably read on the current blog, you're all winners! Everyone who commented gets a free book. I've sent emails to everyone who left an address, but I don't have anything for Anne or Jane. Could you both please let me have your email and I'll get you your copies!
    Thanks to all of you for stopping by the blog! And for all your support over the years!

  7. Thank you, LadyDi! All you have to do to get Revenge is stop by your favorite site like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, and download the book. But be sure to do it by the end of the month as the book will be going back to regular price by then. Thanks!

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