Thumbs up for the Max Starr Series

I am not usually drawn to paranormal romance/mystery novels but have read a few. I thoroughly enjoyed ‘Dead to the Max’, subsequently reading all five books in the series in 7 days! Meet Max, a CPA, who has thrown all remnants of her life to the wind after experiencing a horrific, life altering event. Cameron, Max’s husband, has died but has yet to move on, comforting and supporting her as she struggles to face life without him. Witt, a detective investigating the death of a woman, is suspicious of Max’s interest in the case. Bud Traynor, a rich, influential man, evil by all accounts, is the father of the dead woman.That is the cast of characters that lead you through the Max Starr Series. There are other victims, suspects who factor in the plots and Witt’s eccentric mother who is obsessed with keeping anything with her address on it, maintaining a pristine yard and serving a dinner for Max that will be to her liking.Read the series… you won’t be disappointed!