sexy satisfying novella

Jasmine Haynes has done it again. Even within the page span of a novella she ably carries the reader inside the hearts and minds of her two leads. Carolina has been broken by giving herself to a man who was not worthy of her and longs for one taste of a remembered crush hoping it will give her a single spark to carry her through her lonely days; Mark has a successful career but no lasting satisfaction and is haunted by the memory of a girl he once knew and wanted to know better. Fortunately for them and the reader, both get a hint of what they deserve in the most delectable meet-cute bachelor party/ girl in a cake ever. As always with Haynes, their steamy, toe-curling meeting leads to deeper feelings and a believably difficult yet realistic reunion that ends with all parties involved (the reader included) feeling a very real cathartic relief. With Haynes the reader can always be assured the personalities are unique and refreshing, the conflict moving and meaningful, and the ending memorable and satisfying. For a quick but worthwhile read, pick up Not in the Game and get in the game! This honest review was written in exchange for an ARC of the novel.