Reviewed by Romance Junkies!

A simple, risqué act in an elevator comes back to haunt Josie Tybrook when she meets the man she will be working with on a new project. It seems with one sensuous touch she has turned their relationship into FAIR GAME.Irritated at her boss and late for a meeting when she prides herself on her punctuality, Josie Tybrook rushes onto an elevator. There she can’t help but notice the sexy man sharing the space. In a single act of naughtiness, Josie presses herself in front of Mr. Man and proceeds to fondle him naughtily. After all, he is the hottest thing she has seen in a very long time. Josie isn’t worried about her impulsiveness; once she leaves the elevator she’ll never see him again, right? Ten minutes later Josie wants to crawl into the nearest hole as she is stunned and completely mortified. Not only is she seeing the man from the elevator again, but his name is Kyle Perry and she is set to work with him on a new project. Elusive glances are all she can give him at the moment until after the meeting is finished. Once that happens, all bets are off.Kyle Perry is late for a meeting with a representative he is supposed to be working with on his latest project. Hurrying into the elevator, Kyle can’t help but notice the strikingly sexy woman standing near him. When she moves in front of him and blatantly touches him, he is stunned but aroused. That one touch is enough to burn his brain because Kyle forgets what he is doing or why. When she steps off the elevator and gives him a smile worthy of any siren, Kyle is caught – hook, line, and sinker. Imagine his surprise when the very person he is supposed to work with turns out to be his mystery woman. Once their meeting ends, the challenge begins.Kyle and Josie embark upon a sensual but secret affair full of erotic challenges that neither wants to lose. Exhibitionism, naughty games – nothing is taboo where this couple is concerned except for the most basic emotion – love. That emotion is the one thing Josie will not discuss, ever. Kyle knows he has a big job to accomplish. As far as he is concerned, Josie and her heart are FAIR GAME and he plans on winning both.FAIR GAME is like Norman Love chocolates – decadent, delicious and impossible to keep from devouring. I couldn’t stop reading after one chapter – I had to finish this entire book in one setting. And I did. Jasmine Haynes started FAIR GAME out with a scene unlike any I have read. Josie’s touching of Kyle in the elevator set the `scene’ so to speak on their relationship. She was content to keep it illicit and informal. She was fully in charge of her heart and refused to think beyond the here and now. Her heart had been crushed before and Josie was flat out stubborn enough not to want to risk it again. But risk it she did. Kyle was a bit easier to figure out. I loved watching him realize that the games he and Josie were playing were slowly becoming so much more. His falling in love with Josie was a given. Making her accept his love and gives hers in return was not. That’s what made her capitulation that much sweeter.Cranking up the heat and eroticism with FAIR GAME, Jasmine Haynes proves yet again her ability to tell a highly emotional and unique love story. Kyle and Josie’s love scenes were scorching hot, wickedly exciting, and secretly sinful. FAIR GAME is worthy of any keeper shelf; just make sure it is air conditioned!***Natalie S.***