Naughty as in smokin’ hot sexy!

We meet David & Tricia again from an earlier West Coast Series book, “Any way she wants it.” This can be read as a standalone, although nice to get reacquainted. They can’t take their hands off each other, they’re like hormonal teenagers with experience. He plans to marry her. On a trip to meet his family over the Christmas holiday Tricia catches up with David’s toxic sister, a former school friend but still a bitch of note. After taking a few verbal blows Tricia retaliates but only David overhears the conversation & he’s proud of his sassy girlfriend. He proposes in front of the family & everyone, including his two children who only lost their Mum to cancer a year ago, approve, The sister storms off in a huff & forces the family to leave a day earlier than planned. Everyone relaxes immediately she’s gone & they enjoy the last day of their holiday together. I sense there’s another book to follow in this series. I love well crafted books with complex characters, interesting storylines & lots of steam, this like all the authors books, did not disappoint. I was unable to apply timeously for the arc but this very special author managed to send me a link, thanks Jasmine! xx.