Maverick billionaire book 1

This story has it all heartache loss upset anger romance disappointment and frustration. How the two main characters bounce off each other is brilliant . Harper has sole responsibility of her younger brother who happened to be handicapped by a car accident when he was 7 years old .life changed not only for Jeremy but herself she had her parents to help until they both died in a plane crash. Harper made a life for them both mostly working from home Jeremy went to school then in the afternoon he worked at a local grocery store. Harper and Jeremy met Will a self made billionaire through Jeremy love of cars and racing. At first meeting Will their lives changed romantic thoughts were in the air . Happy times lay ahead until Jeremy changed jobs and while Will took Harper on her first trip to Europe disaster struck. Will got a call that Jeremy was missing the guilt hit them both Harper could hardly focus it hit her hard they were back on the jet . Their relationship faltered. All Harper could feel was she’d let Jeremy down and Will blamed himself for a different reasons it was his idea they left him in care of his house keeper and his other staff and driver. At last the call they both needed Jeremy had been found ok. Harper in her mind was to blame all she concentrated on was getting back and never letting her self needs come between her taking care of her brother he came first. After talking to Jeremy overtime she thought of the kind caring man Will was and how she could make everything right between them .true feelings came out and she told Will everything romance was recharged . Happy ever after . This book kept me reading non stop can’t wait to read the next Maverick story in book 2