Law of Attraction at Work: worth a read!!

I am a huge Jasmine Haynes fan and always look forward to reading her stories. I’ve been following closely her latest series and the hardest part is waiting for a new release. Alas, “To The Principal’s Office” came out!!All the books in the series are very unique, loosely related- so they can be read as stand-alones and treat difficult subjects with tact: the death of a child, cancer and now bully.The sexy storylines are almost a bonus.I liked that the characters in “TTPO” were real adults going through difficult choices and facing very day-to-day problems, such as sullen teenagers and school violence.I liked that the main character, Rachel, was strong and vulnerable.The chemestry between her and the hero, Rand, is real and touching.The difficulties they face made them very ordinary and yet, the reader could still cheer for them and feel the sexiness of their encounters.With a principal like that, who would not want to be sent to the principal’s office??