“Kinky Neighbors fulfilled all of my expectations and then some.”

Drew and Cat Mitchell have been married for ten years and they enjoy bringing other elements into their sex lives. Drew wants only to please his wife and . . . well Cat just wants to be pleased! She has no inhibitions and with Drew game for just about anything, Cat is willing to push the envelope. She has decided that it would be quite delicious to invite another couple into their bedroom and experience the world of foursomes and wife swapping – no not like the television show! It would just be sex, no harm, no foul. Drew is a bit iffy on the whole thing, but figures if the other couple has no qualms then he wouldn’t mind playing along.Logan and Alexis Hart are the Mitchell’s next-door neighbors and friends for the past year. Logan would like to take their sex life up a notch, but it would seem that Alexis is a little more closeted in her desires.Cat puts her plan in gear and Logan is all for it. Alexis takes a little more time to convince, but eventually her inner “naughty” girl makes an appearance and is raring to go. The deal is that it would just be physical, no emotions involved. Surely they can handle that; after all they are all adults here, right?Kinky Neighbors is deliciously wicked and slightly diabolical with the driving force of some of the characters’ choices. Yet it is one of those books that you CANNOT put down! You just know that when Dr. Ruth said it’s okay to fantasize about a third party in the bedroom that she knew what she was talking about. Eventually someone is going to get hurt.Kinky Neighbors fulfilled all of my expectations and then some. I just wish that the manipulative couple suffered more repercussions than what they did. I wanted them to hurt . . . and not in a good way! But everything else played out just the way one would imagine a foursome with married partners would play out. Because sometimes you just can’t separate feelings from the physicality of the actions. Kinky Neighbors was scandalous, decadent, a bit naughty and sizzling H-O-T!!! If Jasmine Haynes decides to write a follow-up detailing the dreadful things that befall that scheming couple, because I am just that naughty, and the wonderful things that can be had for the other couple . . . I am so reading it. Until then I will have to console myself with some of her other works.VanessaFor Joyfullly Reviewed