Had to read this book twice

Drop Dead Gorgeous is simply that. Drop dead gorgeous. I loved the book. Madison’s free-spirited and optimistic view of the world really just endears herself to the reader. And of course, T. Lawrence (I never thought I would say this but that’s such a sexy name!), is the perfect foil to her character. He is a modern day alpha-male, a powerhouse for certain and even though they’re very different people, their chemistry practically sizzles off the page. This was a wonderful romance to read because they really have a great relationship. They rub off on each other (quite literally) and T.Larry learns to loosen up and throw caution to the wind (gosh he’s so darn sexy. His private musings were just really funny and engaging to read) while Madison realizes that she doesn’t have to live life so precariously. Madison is really amusing in her own right and the way she interacts with other people. The secondary characters were also well developed and provided a nice mini story to go with Madison and T. Larry’s romance. I wish this book were more popular and publicized. It deserves more recognition than it has already acquired because the romance and just the overall story is entertaining, funny, and memorable. I first read it four years ago, randomly picking it out at the library. I loved it and story stuck with me so much that I went ahead and bought it a month ago and reread it. It’s a story that will never grow old.