Great travel description & surprise 2nd chance love for grandma ❄

4.5 starsThis is a romance that has steam for the over 50 set and some thought-provoking glimpses of the not so easy transition into independence for a woman who’s devoted her adult life to her family. And a glorious adventure with a silver fox under dark, northern skies in mid-winter. Well-done and a thoroughly entertaining read.It’s a second chance romance for a mature woman fairly recently widowed. Gina is a mother of three and grandmother who’s been blessed with a comfortable life and a gorgeous home in the San Francisco Bay area but gal pals, babysitting and charity work don’t fill the emptiness left by her husband’s passing. A chance encounter on a busy street sparks attraction and longings she thought were packed up and on the shelf for good.I really liked the way author Jennifer Skully delved into Gina’s marriage, the early aftermath of her husband Frank’s sudden, unexpected death and the hesitations that experience provoke when she considers spending time with photojournalist Blake, the new man in her life.Skully also addresses how that step into a second chance provokes her friends’ and children’s protective instincts and affects the extended family. In my mind, a realistic depiction.And, if you’ve ever wondered what a vacation to the far north of Scandinavia in winter would be like, this story really authentically captures the feel, the activities, the food and the sights. I felt I could experience the crisp, frigid air, the perpetual dark, the clean snowfalls and the glorious ribbons of the northern light display without leaving my cozy armchair!Another great addition to a series built around second chance love and passion in exciting foreign locations. Can’t wait to find out where it goes next time! I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.