First review Amazon: Fool’s Gold by Jasmine Haynes & Jennifer Skully

EntertainingThis stand-alone is easy to follow and difficult to put down. No editing errors, graphic violence or drag-you-down drama. Surprise ending.Intriguing storyline with plenty of twists. Realistic procedures, actions and reactions. Believable characters with distinct personalities. Thought-provoking, memorable and occasionally snarky dialogue.“As much as we want to fix things for other people, most of the time they have to do it on their own.””Seems like a cop-out,” he said softly.”It’s better than beating your head against a wall you can’t break through.”Home wasn’t a place. It was a feeling. It was where you were warm and cherished. It was where you were accepted for exactly who you were instead of what someone else thought you should be. And a person could have more than one home. In fact, the more, the better.No desire to re-read this story. I am always interested in works by this author.