Fair Game

Josie Tybrook is late for a meeting and furious because her boss has stood her up. Now she doesn’t have the materials to give to the clients like she should. One bright spot is the guy she just kind of met in the elevator. Thinking she will never see this man again, Josie does something she never would have in a crowded elevator but wow was it sexy and put her in a really good mood. Now on to her meeting with a smile.Kyle Perry is running late for a meeting at his office but on the way he is accosted in the elevator by a sexy woman that he has never met. Taken totally by surprise and not in a bad way, Kyle just goes with the feelings and totally forgets where he is going until she steps off. Imagine his surprise when his mystery woman is the same one he will be working with for this project.Josie makes it through the meeting without anyone realizing her embarrassment upon meeting all the people she would be working with. But Kyle is not going to let this go and instead challenges Josie to yet another bit of sexy exhibitionism that leads into the erotic form of fun and games. Now Josie is in a game she isn’t sure she can win and keep her heart safe. Kyle loves the fun and games he is having with Josie and has decided that he needs to learn the keys to the prickly outside so he can reach the soft and loving inside. Josie and Kyle are discovering that the best type of love is with someone you can lose all control with and be a bit crazy with, knowing they will be there to support and hold you.How do you keep your personal life and business life separate, Josie is trying to figure that out in Fair Game. Josie is a project manager on a job at Kyle’s company, not a bad thing until you remember how they met. Kyle has been searching for someone to play with and he might have finally found her in Josie. When Josie and Kyle begin their games, she sets firm rules but rules are made to be broken. The eroticism between Josie and Kyle is immediate and just keeps getting hotter and hotter. I was pleasantly surprised by the challenges they went on while still trying to keep their work and personal lives separate. There were a couple of times I seriously wanted to ask Josie what she was thinking, but I discovered the problem later on. When it seemed all was lost and could not be regained, Josie once again surprised me to keep her man. I loved Fair Game while at the same time found it very erotic and mischievous. This is a keeper for my erotic shelf.JoReviewed for Joyfully Reviewed