Erotic Office Romance

Two Silicon Valley companies are forming a holding group with their compatible products. The head of HR is a 48 year old curvy twice divorced Lea Ferroni who is a stickler for the rules and now has to establish a company handbook for the joint companies. Finn Rafferty is about the same age and also handsome, well built, tall and sexy. He is an engineer and key in developing their products. He has always worshiped Lea who was the head high school cheerleader when he was the puny acne’d water boy who suffered immensely from the bullying of the team captain who was the boyfriend of Lea. She was kind to him but hardly knew he existed back then. He has never married but climbed the corporate ladder successfully in the Bay area. Now he makes his move and invites Lea to a ‘business’ lunch. Their chemistry is strong and at the end of the long lunch he kisses her which shocks her but she likes it. Still rules are rules which means no company fraternization. But Finn is determined and pursues until one night she is working late and he catches her in her office and they have sex which she is unable to refrain from. After the company President okays their tryst they are inseparable and the sex grows stronger and sexier. I am not doing justice to how hot and sensuous this erotic action was. It all leads to a head at their high school’s 30 year reunion when Lea’s ex and all the cruel cheerleaders and teammates who bullied and mocked puny Finn meet and it is quite the reunion with stunning surprises. Received this ARC and have voluntarily reviewed.