Another fab read!

This is Kirby’s story. Kirby is a strong, independent, sexy business woman who runs her own cosmetic company and doesn’t have time for dating but she does have time for phone sex with Jack, a sales rep from another company who she has never met. Kirby likes what they have because it is no strings and she can fantasise about what he looks like. Her twin sister Kristen is trying to set her up with men because she wants Kirby to have happiness in her life but so far all the men Kristen has found for her have been either short or bald and that wont do for Kirby, manly because she just doesn’t want to settle down and is being picky. Jack is crazy about Kirby and decides its time they met up and and springs it on her that he is coming to the area. I won’t give any more away because i don’t want to spoil anything but i loved this book just as much as the first one. Both books are fab and will make you laugh out loud and this book is more steamy than the first book. Even though they are not a full length novels they are definitely worth a read. Love Jasmine Haynes.