Congratulations to the Winners!

Love Valentine Style Box set

Wow, it’s 2014! Happy New Year! Time just keeps marching on.

First, let me announce the winners of the two audiobook copies of Fool’s Gold, Cottonmouth Book 2! Drum roll, please! Laurie G and Becky! Congratulations, ladies! I will email with details on how to download your book. And if you didn’t get your free copy of Book 1, She’s Gotta Be Mine, don’t miss it. Here are all the links again: Kindle, Kindle UK , BN, iBooks, iBooks AU, iBooks UK, Kobo, Smashwords, All Romance, Coffee Time.

A heads up, I’m blogging with Delilah Devlin on Wed 1/8, and I’ll be giving away an ecopy of Kinky Neighbors to one lucky commenter, so be sure to stop by!

So now I’m working on the third book set in Cottonmouth! It’s been a long time since I’ve visited there, but I find the little town dragging me in again! Here’s a preview of the cover for Can’t Forget You.

Cover of Can't Forget You

There’s something very special about the house Maggie grew up in. It’s sort of…alive. With a mind of its own.

Dumped by her husband, all Maggie Halliday has left is the family dog and the house her grandmother left to her when she passed away two month ago. Maggie’s got no other choice but to run back to her hometown of Cottonmouth. But her high school sweetheart, Cooper Trubek, is living in the house along with five other boarders Maggie is now responsible for. And according to Nana’s will, Maggie can’t kick any of them out unless she wants to lose her childhood home as well.

Still grieving for her grandmother and trying fix up the house that seems to be falling down around her, Maggie’s got more trouble than she can handle. Then things go from bad to worse when Samson the dog starts digging in the basement…

I hope to have this book for you in 3 or 4 months!

If you missed it on the last blog, you can find Love, Valentine Style exclusively on Amazon.

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