Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy photos from my January cruise, and I’ll also let you know about our upcoming Maverick sale!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays! And we’ve got oodles of sales over the holiday and right on into January! Check them all out in the blog!
Do you need a Hero?
Our boxed set Heroes in Love is free right now! That’s the first 3 Mavericks tales free! 3 heroes in one book! Grab it now!
How about a little beachcombing for Christmas!
Oh my gosh, it’s finally here! Release Day for Beachcombing in the Bahamas! Look for it in Kindle Unlimited!
Would you like a little Escape to Romance?
A new Boxed Set for you! Escape to Romance, Once Again Books 7 – 9. That’s Siesta in Spain, Top Down to California, and Cruising the Danube!
Get ready for a little Beachcombing in the Bahamas at Christmas!
I’ve got so much to tell you in this blog! A new preorder, new covers, new boxed sets! And a new free book!